vand head Laney GH100L 100w full lampa, made in UK, 1996
am vazut multe scene impreuna in ultimii 14 ani si nu-mi amintesc sa-mi fi facut macar o surpriza neplacuta
e un amplif solid, dinamic cu volum urias si sound gras pe masura; de obicei il foloseam pe low input ca platforma pt pedale, care suna in stil mare peste cleanul de baza, clean care evident poate face fata lejer la orice tobar(i)
suparaciunile se pot canta foarte convingator pe canalul de boost, no pedals needed
finali 4x TAD 6L6GC schimbati de curand (merge si cu EL34)
preampuri 3x JJ 12AX7/ECC83 + TAD 7025 Highgrade in V1
dispun si de grilajul din spate
husa inclusa
suna asa:
From the manufacturer:The GH100L is a single channel master volume style head with footswitchable gain. It is capable of a huge variety of sounds, from sparkling clean through powerful crunch to full on monster tones and everything in between. If tone capable of turning people's heads at 100 yards is what you're after - look no further. As well as astounding tone these heads offer a valve-coupled effects loop and link jacks for slaving several heads together. The GH100L features an ECC83 equipped preamp and EL34 output section, easily switchable for 5881's if so desired.
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