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Guest _Theo_

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Guest _Theo_

cautam azi dimineata linistit un tab pe mysongbook.com, gasesc respectivul tab. dau sa downloadez, cand colo, in loc de iconita cu disketa (save to disk) era o iconita pe care o urasc din tot sufletul - bara alba in ceruclet rosu - ...click pe ea totusi...cine stie...poate poate o merge....AIUREA... asta e mesaju care aparea in loc de fereastra de download: "In the waiting for a regularization with the copyright owner of this score,

its download is no more possible." :):):):(B););):o:o;);););):o:o

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Guest tudor.

nsuhtu ce sa zic...de ceva timp face tot felu de fite msb...ba imi zice ca e inactive chestii...dar chestia asta ca nu te lasa sa dld e de vreo 2-3 zile parca.... :)

let's hope for the best...desi nu folosesc atat de des site-ul asta ar fi cam aiurea sa nu mai fie :)

Edited by tudor.
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"What's new ?


interdisc.gif Providing some tabs - even made by ear - of copyrighted music is illegal. In order to respect the law, downloads have been limited to the [Composition] and [Competition] files. We are going to make our best to find a solution to offer music content without infringing copyrights."

V-ati lamurit?

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Guest tudor.

chestia asta am citit-o cu totii...dar acolo zic ca o sa incerce sa rezolve...nu ca o sa rezoleve :)

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Guest miriapod

well...da...e destul de veche chestia. se pare ca vor interzice si siteurile cu lyrics :) free world we live in. solutia pe care am auzit-o vehiculata, mutarea pe servere europene. let's hope they can do that.

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Guest _Theo_

pai da faza e ca nu scoate nimeni profit direct din publicarea unor interpretari personale (care interpretari - sub forma de taburi) ale unor piese. pt mine nu e chiar o tragedie, dar totusi suxx major @$$ :)

providing some tabs - even made by ear - of copyrighted music is illegal. In order to respect the law, downloads have been limited bla bla bla...
- se refera la plagiat? posibile plagiaturi? nu inteleg totusi...

si faza cu versurile...mai aiurea...pai ce o sa mai inteleaga muritoru de rand din 'al de black death doom & co :)

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Guest miriapod

pai nu..ca in principiu vorbim de RIAA, they did the mess. adica in state. daca e in europa e legal. (or so they say)

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Guest miriapod

well...da, pacat ca majoritatea siteurilor de taburi sunt pe servere americane :)

deci cum a zis un clasic in viata

Time to start working out that ear, boy
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Guest Stiv

Am citit pe undeva ca au inchis un site de lyrics din Austria , deci nu cred ca merge nici cu Europa.

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Guest Fenderash

Am de asemenea si tot siteul Dark Lycrics daca va intereseaza.Dar lasati`ma o zi sa gasesc CD`ul.Acelasi lucru:cine vrea PM.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Mehigh

mai e si:


dar nu ma mira ce se intampla ... si in romania vin astia si confisca harduri si servere si desfinteaza retelele de cartier ... back to dial-up??? ca eu am avantaju de a fi inca pe dial-up :)


cititi despre aici:



dude, din pacate mxtabs nu mai e :)


Everybody say thank you to Riaa and MPA. Thank you for taking all the cool stuff away


Mai multe aici http://www.mxtabs.net/index.html

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest tudor.

nustu ce vi se pare atat de grav...oricum daca dati search pe net gasiti in continuare toate taburile...

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