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Problema Epiphone Special 2


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Am luat de ceva timp un Epiphone Les Paul Special 2.

Corzile sunt mai vechi pe ea.


Am cantat-o destuld e intens in ultimul timp si acum vad ca falseaza.

Adica in intervalul 5 mi-ul(gros) nu suna a la...falseaza.

O fi de la corzi? Sa le schimb?

Zilele astea merg sa-i calibrez si griff-ul la un meserias.

E o problema ce se poate rezolva?(treaba cu falsatul).

Sincer sa fiu ma ingrijoreaza treaba.

Sper ca am dat toate detaliile.

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din cauza corzilor mai putin....poate fi din cauza tensiunii/actiunii care o are chitara asupra corzilor, poate fi de la taste, poate fi din cauza intonatiei setate prost, poate fi din cauza grifului stramb.....ideea e ca trebuie dat un check atent si vazut de unde vine problema (grif, taste, etc), si dupaia studiata mai in amanunt....s-ar putea sa-ti rezolvi problema cu "calibratul" grifului :D:)))


numai bine..

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din cauza corzilor mai putin....poate fi din cauza tensiunii/actiunii care o are chitara asupra corzilor, poate fi de la taste, poate fi din cauza intonatiei setate prost, poate fi din cauza grifului stramb.....ideea e ca trebuie dat un check atent si vazut de unde vine problema (grif, taste, etc), si dupaia studiata mai in amanunt....s-ar putea sa-ti rezolvi problema cu "calibratul" grifului :D:)))


numai bine..


Inainte nu facea asa.

Poate aparea din senin chestia asta?

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Si eo detin un epiphone special ii si am avut problema asta ! s-ar putea sa fie si de la corzi...sau din cauza griff-ului care nu e perfect drept..oricum se poate remedia

incearca sa schimbi corzile si daca tot mai ai problema consulta un specialist .


Numa bine

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Most electric guitars provide individual string length adjustment for setting intonation. Fine tuning this length insures that your guitar plays in tune all the way up and down the neck.


* Using an electronic tuner, tune your guitar to pitch.

* One string at a time, play the harmonic at the 12th fret and then play the fretted 12th fret note.

* If the fretted note is sharper than the harmonic, increase the string length slightly until both notes register the same on your tuner.

* If the fretted note is flat compared to the harmonic shorten the string length slightly until both notes register the same on your tuner.

* Repeat the procedure on all strings until the harmonic and the fretted notes are the same.


Daca nu esti lamurit:


Google: setting guitar intonation

Youtube: setting guitar intonation

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Most electric guitars provide individual string length adjustment for setting intonation. Fine tuning this length insures that your guitar plays in tune all the way up and down the neck.


* Using an electronic tuner, tune your guitar to pitch.

* One string at a time, play the harmonic at the 12th fret and then play the fretted 12th fret note.

* If the fretted note is sharper than the harmonic, increase the string length slightly until both notes register the same on your tuner.

* If the fretted note is flat compared to the harmonic shorten the string length slightly until both notes register the same on your tuner.

* Repeat the procedure on all strings until the harmonic and the fretted notes are the same.


Daca nu esti lamurit:


Google: setting guitar intonation

Youtube: setting guitar intonation




Oricum in momentul in care o sa merg la specialist sa imi rezolve griff-ul o sa il rog sa rezolve si chestia asta.

O sa ma documentez cat mai mult, ca pe viitor sa nu mai am nevoie de un specialist si sa ma ocup eu singur de problemele astea.




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