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[schimb] Rocktron Prochorus Vintage

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Vînd/schimb un Rocktron Prochorus stereo analog de la inceputul aniilor 90, made in USA, in perfecta stare de functionare. Nu am avut la ce sa il folosesc asa ca nu pot sa dau prea multe amanunte despre el. Sper ca cineva sa il foloseasca la adevarata valoare data fiind complexitatea lui. Mai jos sint ceva informatii luate de pe net si niste poze detaliate pentru interesati. Schimb cu preampuri, ampuri, alte chestii chitaristice +/- diferenta, dupa caz. Contact pe aici sau pe alinubujor@yahoo.com



This thing is super rare and you will hardly find any info on the internet

(I tried :-).

This processor is definitely in the same category as the famous Roland

SDD-320 or DyTronics/SongBird TriChorus but in my opinion it can do much

more than these.


Basically it's an analog Chorus (BBD based) with 6 (six!) Voices, all with

different delay times. Each of these voices can either be switched off or

assigned to the left, the right or both output channels. It also features a

feedback control which can be selected from the 1st (5 ms) or the 6th (42

ms) Chorus voice.


Additional Controls are Sweep (LFO rate), Depth (modulation Depth) and Mix

(separate for left/right outs). Now, there's also the 'Modulation' control

which does pretty weird things. My guess is that it's a random Generator

that somehow is modulated by the input signal. Anyways, in the left position

only the LFO modulates the delay time.


So what can this thing do? Everything! Flangers, standard Mono/Stereo

Chorus, etc. But if you mix all 6 voices together you'll have the thickest

sound that you could ever imagine!!! Amazingly it doesn't create that nasty

'phasy' sound which you usually get from multi voice Chorus units.



Prochorus Overview


6 modulation delays - 5/8/15/22/35/42ms - can be turned on/off and assigned to either/both channels.

LFO waveform can be set continuously between sine and ramp waves.

The delays have feedback.

The LFO frequency is displayed as the fading light of the LED.




LE: Nu am vrut sa pun pret ca nu stiam cam cat costa unul. Am gasit acum http://instruments.shop.ebay.com/Pro-Audio...l?_nkw=rocktron

Deci nenea ala cere peste 1.000 de dolari. Eu insa jur ca il las mai ieftin.






Edited by Alinator
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Vînd/schimb un Rocktron Prochorus stereo analog de la inceputul aniilor 90, made in USA, in perfecta stare de functionare. Nu am avut la ce sa il folosesc asa ca nu pot sa dau prea multe amanunte despre el. Sper ca cineva sa il foloseasca la adevarata valoare data fiind complexitatea lui. Mai jos sint ceva informatii luate de pe net si niste poze detaliate pentru interesati. Schimb cu preampuri, ampuri, alte chestii chitaristice +/- diferenta, dupa caz. Contact pe aici sau pe alinubujor@yahoo.com



This thing is super rare and you will hardly find any info on the internet

(I tried :-).

This processor is definitely in the same category as the famous Roland

SDD-320 or DyTronics/SongBird TriChorus but in my opinion it can do much

more than these.


Basically it's an analog Chorus (BBD based) with 6 (six!) Voices, all with

different delay times. Each of these voices can either be switched off or

assigned to the left, the right or both output channels. It also features a

feedback control which can be selected from the 1st (5 ms) or the 6th (42

ms) Chorus voice.


Additional Controls are Sweep (LFO rate), Depth (modulation Depth) and Mix

(separate for left/right outs). Now, there's also the 'Modulation' control

which does pretty weird things. My guess is that it's a random Generator

that somehow is modulated by the input signal. Anyways, in the left position

only the LFO modulates the delay time.


So what can this thing do? Everything! Flangers, standard Mono/Stereo

Chorus, etc. But if you mix all 6 voices together you'll have the thickest

sound that you could ever imagine!!! Amazingly it doesn't create that nasty

'phasy' sound which you usually get from multi voice Chorus units.



Prochorus Overview




6 modulation delays - 5/8/15/22/35/42ms - can be turned on/off and assigned to either/both channels.


LFO waveform can be set continuously between sine and ramp waves.


The delays have feedback.


The LFO frequency is displayed as the fading light of the LED.




LE: Nu am vrut sa pun pret ca nu stiam cam cat costa unul. Am gasit acum http://instruments.shop.ebay.com/Pro-Audio...l?_nkw=rocktron

Deci nenea ala cere peste 1.000 de dolari. Eu insa jur ca il las mai ieftin.




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Sus. Trebuie sa fie cineva care apreciaza un chorus de super calitate. Astept propuneri de schimb, asa ca nu ezitati sa ,,dati cu parul”. Si nu va lasati intimidati de pretul unuia pe ebay. Sîntem în Romania, avem nevoi romanesti si preturi pe masura. Cu alte cuvinte, incercati si veti avea o mare surpriza.

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Sus. Trebuie sa fie cineva care apreciaza un chorus de super calitate. Astept propuneri de schimb, asa ca nu ezitati sa ,,dati cu parul”. Si nu va lasati intimidati de pretul unuia pe ebay. Sîntem în Romania, avem nevoi romanesti si preturi pe masura. Cu alte cuvinte, incercati si veti avea o mare surpriza.




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