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G System - Metoda Cu 4 Cabluri


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Mi-am cumpparat recent un G SYSTEM si incerc sa il leg folosind metoda celor 4 cabluri . Am trimis deja un mail la TC , asa ca o sa dau paste la mail , ca sa nu stau acum sa il traduc .




I have just aquired my G System and this is my first porcessor i ever used , i was using pedals until now .


I have the Laird Williams book and try to set up the 4 cable connection , because from what i have read this is the one that works the best .


I set the G System how it is said in the book :

Boost - off

Insert Lock - on

Input Gain - 8 db

Loop Level - 0

Loop Headroom - 2 Db

Volume - 0

Vol position - output

Output Level - 0


The Cables i used were set as follow :

1. G system left output - Amp FX return

2. Amp Send - Insert Return G SyS

3. G System insert SEND - Amp input

4. Guitar - G system imput


I tried this on 3 different amps ( a Peavey Classic 30 , a Fender FM and a SOLDANO HR 50). Every time it seems like it doesn't count the preamp ) . I can't use any setting on my amp ( Volume , Correction , anything ) .


May this happen because i did'nt use any ISO Box or all my cables are unbalanced . Or are any more settings i need to look after ?



I mention also that i don't know whether i have serial or parrallel loops , so i tried both KillDRY on and off , the sound was different indeed , but i couldn't make use of preamp .

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cablele trebe sa fie in ordinea asta :

1. intre chitara si intrarea normala a prcesorului

2. intre procesor FX SEND si intrarea normala a ampului

3. intre amp FX SEND si procesor FX RETURN

4. intre iesirea normala a procesorului [left, probabil, aia mono] si amp FX RETURN

asa vei avea preampul ampului INTRE fx send si fx return la procesor

si cand activezi bucla procesorului

lai preampul respectiv la dispozitie

cand o dezactivezi

ai procesorul bagat pe direct in puterea ampului

simplu, nu ?


daca nu e de la cabluri probabil ai de umblat prin setarile procesorului.

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