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Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (cover)


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Hello, sunt nou pe aici, adica "nou" cred ca e printre primele posturi :). Cant la chitara de cam un an, nu am luat lectii de la vreun profesor, doar niste sfaturi de la un prieten, si cam atat, restu am invatat dupa tabulatura pe internet. Am facut un cover dupa Don't Cry de la Guns, sper sa va placa, link-ul e aici

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y3FFCUvx6o ,

stiu ca nu am intonat toate corzile pt ca nu stiam cum, dupa ce am primit un comment am facut si e k :lol:. Anyway sfaturile sunt bine venite :lol:, mersi!


p.s: nu cred ca am postat bine aici, e inregistrare dar e cover si nu am vazut vreo sectiune cu covere?:-s

Edited by DuDu90
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Guest Nihilistul

Inregistrarea e de neascultat din cauza faptului ca esti dezacordat rau.


Lucreaza bendurile. Sunt false.


Mai citeste tabulatura. La solo ai fost pe langa gama.

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Se mai poate intampla urmatoarea chestie (desi nu e cazul aici cred): De la efectul foarte accentuat de chorus ai impresia ca suna fals chitara. Asta mi se intampla mereu cand ascult primele albume The Police :lol:

P.S. De la minutul 3 incolo ti s-a dezacordat chitara in urma bendurilor :)

Edited by Gorel
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mersi ca imi iei apararea, da chiar am folosit chorus in piesa, in partile cu clean :) si eu am impresia ca suna fals din cauza chorusului

Nu-ti iau apararea, aud toti ca ai folosit chorus in piesa, dar nu suna fals din cauza asta.


Guitar tuning tips


Being wooden, guitars have a bit of 'give' to their structure, and as you tune up and vary the tension on one string, you are at the same time changing the tension on the other strings, changing their tuning. It is therefore a good idea to make several passes through the six strings, tuning each just approximately on the first couple of passes, and then becoming more detailed and exact on later passes. This applies whether you are using an electronic guitar tuner or not.


Nylon strings for classical guitars take longer to stretch and settle into tune.


If you've just restrung your guitar, grab the middle of each string (around the 12th fret) and give it a few good hard yanks (not too hard), straight up and away from the guitar. Better to stretch them by hand right away than to have them stretch (and drop in pitch) gradually over days, which is what new strings do.


Old guitar strings get flattened where they contact the fret wire and become dull sounding and difficult to keep in tune. That's when you really need to change them.

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