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23. General Contest Rules and Conditions.

[...] Eligibility in for-prize contests: Unless otherwise provided, the Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States (and the District of Columbia), Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and other countries that Ernie Ball may determine, in its sole discretion, who, as of the date of entry submission, have attained the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence, or are emancipated minors, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Contest Rules. [...]

[...] Ernie Ball will not provide a prize to (A) a national or resident of Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any other country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods, or (B ) anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Deny Orders. [...]



O intrebare la Ernie Ball direct ar clarifica lucrurile.


Pe de alta parte, expunerea in perioada concursului o sa fie maxima; chiar si numai promovarea merita inscrierea.

Edited by Purple
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Guest wolverine
pai daca nu se poate in State, incercati la Brasov ca e si acolo un Crossroads :)


Mai e unu si in Bucuresti :)


Oricum, pacat ca multe concursuri inaintate de corporatii americane sunt asa de de restrictive. :)

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Pana una-alta, eu nu sunt convins ca e restrans la USA (vezi termenii art 23 din regulament, mai sus).

In plus, formularul de inscriere pentru artisti, la datele de contact contine lista completa de tari; de obicei in concursurile limitate strict la USA, nu se intampla asta.

Nu am de gand sa particip, deci nu voi contacta Ernie Ball ca sa ma edific; cine e interesat, poate s-o faca.


In al doilea rand, concursurile initiate de pe teritoriul Statelor Unite sunt supuse unei legislatii specifice; de asemenea, trebuie sa tina cont de legislatia tarilor din care poate proveni castigatorul.

Uzual, concursurile organizate de firme cu sediul in USA sunt restranse la USA (de obicei fara Rhode Island, care are o legislatie atat de birocratica pe tema asta incat aproape nimeni nu vrea sa-si bata capul); motivul principal sunt bataile de cap cu legislatia internationala si reglementarile vamale.

Unii producatori au concursuri deschise international, altii au pe regiuni (de ex, Fender UK au in acest moment o tragere la sorti deschisa rezidentilor din UE, la care premiul e un prototip de Stratocaster American Special - http://www.fender.com/uk/giveaways/americanspecial/).

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baaaah, da' v-ati gasit. saracii de voi ati fi castigat concursu fara probleme, da'... "corporatistii si imperialistii" astia de americani "nenorociti" nu va lasa sa le cantati bluesu...



si pana la urma ce dracu... stilu' asta al lor de blues e mai mult englez, festivalu' a fost lansat si promovat de un englez... dar nu lasa decat americanii sa vina la concurs... na-ti-o drace...

Edited by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel
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Dintre putinii inscrisi pana acum, sunt deja doua trupe non-USA - Judie (Franta, http://www.playcrossroads.com/judiemusic) si The In-fluents (Canada, http://www.playcrossroads.com/theinfluents).

Nici vreo restrictionare de genuri nu exista, Judie sau Hanna Barakat (http://www.playcrossroads.com/hannabarakat) numai blues nu sunt.

Edited by Purple
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