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You Know You're a Good Guitarist when....

Guest _ManiA_

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Guest _ManiA_

1) People actually ask you to bring your guitar to their barbecue.


2)You no longer have to dust your stratocaster above the fifth fret.


3) You get your hands in vaguely the right place when playing air guitr.


4) Asta e tare : Your band mates INSURE your fingers :D


5)You no longer think that Floyd Rose is Axl's geeky older brother.


6)You pronounce it 'Fender' not '7 Ender'


7)A slew of promising young bands cite you as an influence.


8) You can take your eyes off the neck while soloing.


9)You can buck your hips and mouth your hotel room number while soloing.


10)You're invited to play on the roof of Buckingham Palace.


11)Your riffs are banned at the guitar shops.


12)People refuse to wash after shaking your hand.


13)Your finger tips are sponsored by World Of Leather


14)You stop using the phrase 'Hang on i'll get it in a minute'


15)An urban myth that you are Jimi Hendrix's reincarnation begins to circulate.


16)Your mother-in-law describes you as a 'musician' not 'unemployed'


17)One of your plectrums reaches $500 at an auction


18)You have a scale named after you



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