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Idody Punk Rock

Guest a_punker

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Guest a_punker

scuze am preluat site'ul si inca il renovez :) , dar incet incet incepe sa arate tot mai bine :) pareri ??


Gata rezolvat , scuze pentru micile "bube" , o sa le rezolv pe toate cat mai repede, daca uit ceva sau aveti vreo sugestie nu ezitati sa spuneti.

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Guest a_punker

scuze dude dar trebuiai sa citesti m'ai sus abia l'am preluat , scuze stiu ca e greseala mea ca am omis acest lucru

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Trecand peste evidentele greseli de scriere, modul de a scrie e pur si simplu neatragator pentru un vizitator de rand. E pueril si promite mai mult ca politicienii la alegeri desi face tot cat ei, adica mai nimic. Sansele ca site-ul asta sa fie ceva de viitor sunt sub 5%, sau ar avea vizitatori < 12 ani in caz ca ar continua.

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Wellcome to the place where you can do anything you want !!

Hey ! Wellcome to the place where you can do all you want. I guess i'm not the only one who like's to sitt around all day , looking on things i like. This is a place where we hang out and make friends, read stuff about your favourite bands, ask for information that you don't find here maybe we will provide you with the answers :) We're still working on it so thanks for beeing here and hope to see you again


Asta in engleza ar suna cam asa:


Welcome to the place where you can do everything you want!!


Hey! Welcome to the place where you can do all you want. I guess I'm not the only one who likes to stay around all day, looking at the things I like. This is a place where we hang out and make friends, read stuff about our favourite bands. Ask for any information you don't find here and we will come up with the answers :) We're still working on it, so thanks for being here and hope to see you again!

Edited by onrewind
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Guest Death Poop

si trebuie sa stergi sectiunea aia cu download-uri, nu e bine sa pui pe un site care se vrea "de muzica" la download melodii si programe

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Guest a_punker

ms mult de tot pentru ajutor si pentru incurajare :) daca o sa mai ai sfaturi sunt oricand bine venite

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