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Paul 77

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Everything posted by Paul 77

  1. 450 ron pret fix TEL.0727 660 457 nu trimit in tara anuntul mai este valabil pana pe 25 mai http://usa.yamaha.co...omp/?mode=model Attached Thumbnails
  2. accept orice test in Bucuresti in cei 4 ani de folosire am schimbat un 12ax7 si potentiometru volum fx loop a fost cumparat de la firma audiosys anunt valabil pana pe 25 mai 2500 ron pret negociabil symapaul@yahoo.com
  3. 500 ron negociabil TEL.0727 660 457 SUNT FOARTE BINE SI DIRECT IN PLACA DE SUNET SAU PA USOR DE FOLOSIT nu trimit in tara anuntul mai este valabil pana pe 25 mai http://usa.yamaha.co...omp/?mode=model dgstomp.pdf dgstomp_1.pdf
  4. http://www.performing-musician.com/pm/apr09/articles/bogneralchemist.htm 2500 ron usor negociabil
  5. Pret: 2500 ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0727660457 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Combo Bogner Alchemist 2x12 40w - 2x12 open-back combo - 6L6 class-AB power section and five-12AX7 preamp; selectable power section - Channel 1 (gold): Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Volume, Crunch mode, variable Bright, Deep switch - Channel 2 (mercury): Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Volume, variable Bright, Mid Shift - Shared: in parallel, Reverb Type, Reverb Level, Delay Type, Delay Level, Delay Repeats (Feedback, Tap Tempo - 12 in. Celestion Greenback, 12 in. Celestion G12H Anniversary speaker - Four-button footswitch included. Functions: Channel Select, Boost, Delay, Reverb -The Alchemist 212 is a 40W amp but can be switched to 20W http://www.ultimate-..._212/index.html
  6. Manual ptr. amp Electromagnetica Studio 5w 1.pdf pg23.pdf
  7. Ampul B E S T I A L !!! :wee:
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