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cumpăr Cumpar Cazan 14 Inch Si Tom 13 Inch
Pino replied to Pino's topic in Tobe și instrumente de percuție
s-a rezolvat cu cazanul. rog stergerea acestui post. va multumesc ! -
Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: PM Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Cumpar cazan de 14 inch preferabil tama ( imperial star sau superstar) sau la schimb cu cazan de 16 inch superstar. Cumpar tom de 13 inch ( indiferent de marca) . Pot oferi maxim 250 de ron pe tom ( in conditiile in care este fara defect)
nu mai este de actualitate. nu mai este de actualitate.
vând Vand Banjo Si Mandolina Electro Acustica
Pino replied to Pino's topic in Chitare electro-acustice
Desi nu cred ca cineva va fi interesat , sckimb cu : chitara electrica (indiferent de model...neckul sa fie ok) sau chitara electro acustica sau cinele 16 sau 18 ( fara SBR sau seria de inceput de la meinl) stative de cinele ride 20...21 inch -
Imi pare rau dar nu am nevoie de fuss ci de cinele de 18
pretul nu este negociabil, ar fi culmea... 500 de ron. inca valabil... :| (anunt valabil doar pt Bucuresti , nu trimit in tara)
Vand pedala dubla SPEED COBRA 310 , achizitionata in dembrie 2014 , deci ca noua, folosita de maxim 5 ori. Motivul vanzarii este unul cat se poate de simplu ...nu ma impac bine cu pedala dulba. Schimb cu cinele (de preferat ride sau crash de 18 ")sau pedala simpla , preferat IRON COBRA Modelul speed cobra nu are arc sub pedala. Pretul de este de : 500 de ron ( noua costa 900 de ron) => o vand la 1/2 de pret ( aproape) http://www.mcmusic.ro/tobe/hardware-ro-2/pedale-ro/tama-hp310lw Description The Speed Cobra 310 series was developed using the same design principles as the Speed Cobra 910 series, and offers remarkable performance at an affordable price. The extended footboard, which features the same design as the Speed Cobra 910, offers rapid acceleration and power with less physical effort. The Recessed Setting provides the perfect balance between the natural characteristics and motion of a chain drive pedal, and the lighter overall action of the Speed Cobra 310 series. Long Footboard A specially designed pedal board for the Speed Cobra series. By designing the footboard longer than Iron Cobra, it rapidly accelerates the power and speed of the beater stroke, with less physical effort than ever before. Additionally, the smoother playing surface reduces friction between your foot and the footboard, allowing more precise control and flexibility. Recessed Setting (US PAT.NO.8269089) To continuously play fast passages, your pedal action has to feel light for less stress and muscle fatigue. The Recessed Setting position makes it possible to achieve a perfect balance between the natural playing feel of the Chain Drive's motion and lighter action. According to physical theorem, wider angle (θ) between the force of stepping on the footboard (F1) and the force of pulling the chain from the sprocket (F2) makes less power of F1 if the same F2 power is required. To utilize this theorem, we set up the footboard placement with the best balance between natural action and lighter motion. Also by changing the bearing's framework structure, this produces less stress on the FASTBALL bearing and makes a huge difference in the total feel. As a result, about 20% less exertion is required to produce the same result in power and feel found in existing current models. LiteSprocket We adopted the true round shaped "LiteSprocket" for natural feel and smooth action. Compared with Iron Cobra's sprocket, this version decreases its weight by 40%. It revolves naturally and smoothly, providing a lighter feel. Double Chain Drive The Speed Cobra 310 series features the same durable double chain drive as the Speed Cobra910 series. This double chain drive offers smooth and accurate motion in any situation. Newly Designed Hinge This new hinge uses a tough, cylindrical brass sleeve to protect the hinge pin from damage or undo pressure, assuring fluid motion and increased durability. Beater Angle Adjustment You won't find adjustable beater/footboard angles on most pedals in this price range. But our HP310LS comes standard with an angle adjustment system linked to the footboard angle. Spring Tension Adjustment Inspired by Iron Cobra 900 series drum pedals' "Spring Tight" feature, this specially shaped nut prevents the spring unit from loosening. Spring Tight (US. PAT.NO.5365824) Twisting springs severely reduce pedal smoothness. Spring Tight, a clever half-moon shaped spring tension rod, keeps the spring from twisting so there's never any loss of power transmission
Proiect Muzical Cu Influențe Stoner/doom/alternative Metal/post-Rock
Pino replied to Slay's topic in Căutăm instrumentist
postul pentru baterist mai este valabil? postul pentru baterist mai este valabil? -
vând Vand Banjo Si Mandolina Electro Acustica
Pino replied to Pino's topic in Chitare electro-acustice
750 ron pentru ambele -
Eu folosesc reason 5 si exista si un refill dedicat pentru bass. Poti opta dintre mai multe tipuri de bass. Merita incercat.
vând Vand Banjo Si Mandolina Electro Acustica
Pino replied to Pino's topic in Chitare electro-acustice
vând Vand Banjo Si Mandolina Electro Acustica
Pino replied to Pino's topic in Chitare electro-acustice
Anuntul devine acutual, motivul fiind banii. Asa ca noile preturi sunt pentru banjo : 500 si pentru mandolina 350 de ron. Poze in curand -
cumpăr Cumpar Set De Cinele Millenium Marci Foarte Ieftine !
Pino replied to Stefanpolo's topic in Tobe și instrumente de percuție
am un hi hat sbr de 14 inch , te intereseaza? il dau cu 150 de ron. astept un reply, merci. -
rog un moderator stergerea anutului, nu mai este de actualitate.
Se mai adauga urmatoarele: jamblock = 50 de ron cowbell = 70 de ron prindere tama pentru cowbell / jamblock = 45 de ron rototomuri = 350 ron de 6 8 si 10 inch cajon lp aspire = 400 ron (negociabil) stativ fuss cb drum =150 ron Am uitat sa precizez faptul ca setul de tobe il am de 3 ani la fel ca si accesoriile. PS: nu asigur tranport , nu trimit prin tara cu posta/ curieri. Pentru cei interesati puteti lasa orice intrebare.
Buna ziua ! Vand set TAMA imperialstar cu urmatoarea configuratie : - 3 tomuri de 8 ,10 , 12 inch - cazan (floor tom) de 16 inch - toba mare : 22 inch - toba mica : 14 inch - 2 stative pentru ride / cinel -stativ pentru toba mica , inclus in pret - pedala power glide Bonus : set fete powerstroke (pentru tomurile de 10 12 si cazan) minitimbale de 8 si 10 inch marca tama ride : b8 pro rock de 20'' fuss : 14 inch sabian sbr crash : 16 inch b8 sabian china : 14 inch meinl mcs Pret: 2700 ron. Se vinde doar in aceasta configuratie. Nu vand pe bucati. Pretul este usor negociabil, in limita bunului simt nu accespt schimburi. Motivul vanzarii este unul destul de simplu : vreau sa trec pe Gretsch si alta configuratie de tobe. Pentru cei interesati , se pot proba in Bucuresti. Poze in curand. O zi buna, tuturor !
Testeaza mai multe modele de la Jay Turser. Am un bass p bass de care sunt extrem de multumit. Intentionez sa imi mai iau unul in curand. Personal il consider ca fiind un bass decent , dar cu putina pricepere si modificari minime poate deveni un bass foarte bun .
se mai adauga pe lista de vanzare urmatoarele : *KORG nano pad 2 -150 ron *KORG nano Kontrol 2 -150 ron , se vand doar impreuna (varianta pe negru) * BEHRINGER umx 610 = 500 ron * mini koass pad = 200 ron preturile nu sunt negociabile poze in curand.
Pret: 350 ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: PM Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand launch pad mini pret 350 ron , nenegociabil achizitionat de la www.musicandmore.ro in urma cu 3 luni. motivul vanzarii : nu mai cant.
vând Premier Royale Fabricate In Anglia
Pino replied to Valentin Voicu's topic in Tobe și instrumente de percuție
23 de inch pentru toba mare ? Eu stiam ca sunt de 22 24 26 ....? sigur sunt de 23 de inch?