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Marcus Nalgaber

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Everything posted by Marcus Nalgaber

  1. Relax...Relax...Relax... (30 Minutes of Deep Relaxing) Relaxing...Relaxing...Relaxing... #relax Thank You
  2. Melodic Smooth Jazz Guitar Solos Thank You!!
  3. Ambient Chillout - Beetle Journey - Marcus Nalgaber and Mora Amaro la Loba Ambient Chillout - Green Journey - Marcus Nalgaber and Mora Amaro la Loba Ambient Chillout - Blue Journey - Marcus Nalgaber and Mora Amaro la Loba Thank You!!
  4. Ambient Guitar Chill - Waters Journey - Original Music of Marcus Nalgaber and Mora Amaro la Loba Thank You!!
  5. Ambient Guitar Chill - Window Journey - Original Music of Marcus Nalgaber and Mora Amaro la Loba Thank You!!
  6. Tibetan Journey - Voyage Tibétain - Tibetische Reise - Viaggio Tibetano - Viaje al Tíbet Thank You!!
  7. Zoom MS 90LP+ Sound Review - No Talking
  8. Smooth Jazz Guitar Solos of Marcus Nalgaber
  9. (Stop Door) Guitar Solo by Gibson ES-335/BP-1w/GT-1000/DL4 MkII/Cloudburst/Logic/ Thank You!!
  10. The Hand of Evil Thank You!!
  11. Minarik Goddess,Boss BP-1w,Boss GT-1000,Boss SY-1000,Line6 DL4 MkII,Strymon Cloudburst,Logic Pro, Thank You!!
  12. Greece & Italy - Ambient Guitar Music Travel Thank You!!
  13. Framus Panthera - Fusion Guitar Solos with the Framus Panthera Thank You, Marcus and Mora
  14. Washburn J3 - Fusion Guitar Solos Played with the Washburn J3
  15. Secret Thank You!!
  16. Jazz Rock Guitar Music Collection Thank You
  17. ATILA https://youtu.be/1-lPiKdlxcQ Thank You!!
  18. Ibanez Tim Henson TOD10N (Moon Circus) Music and Guitar Playing by Marcus Nalgaber Thank You!!
  19. Ibanez Signature Tim Henson TOD10N - First Sound Test - Played with the Thumb Many Thanks,
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  20. Classical Guitar Music / The Mirror of my Dreams / Marcus Nalgaber /
  21. (Life Lapse) Thank You,
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