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  1. Buna Bogdan! Mersi pentru mesaj, si imi cer scuze pentru intarziere! Site-ul nu m-a informat ca aveam un mesaj in asteptare. Ai gasit alte persoane aici? Unde locuiesti in Bucuresti? Locuiesc eu in nord...langa parcul Herastrau. Daca vrei sa ne intalnim, cred ca ar fi bine sa bem o cafea undeva, si discutam preferinte noastre ale muzicii. Spune-mi cand ai o clipa libera.
  2. Dan, sincer, as prefera sa cantam melodiile trupelor respective. Cel putin la inceput. Candva in viitor se poate canta altceva unic, dar in acest moment, prefer sa raman cu melodiile sale.
  3. Buna, Caut pe fanii muzicii rock din anii 50s, 60s, si 70s. Locuiesc in Bucuresti. I'm a huge Beatles fan, and would love to find one or more persons to play with. Ideally, I'd like to form a band to play with. Music I'm interested in includes: Beatles, Wings, McCartney, Beach Boys, Motown, Chuck Berry, I'm a recreational guitarist and keyboardist, willing to learn most any song that I don't know. Please let me know if you're interested in discussing further. Multumesc in avans!
  4. Salut, care genuri de muzica va intereseaza? Ca BBKING, sunt un chitarist (si mail mult, clapar) de nivel începător-mediu, cu posibilităţi şi dorinţă de dezvoltare.
  5. Buna, Tocmai m-am mutat in Bucuresti, si caut pe cineva cu care sa cantam la chitara/clapa. I'm a huge Beatles fan, and would love to find one or more persons to play with. Ideally, I'd like to form a band to play with. Music I'm interested in includes: Beatles, Wings, McCartney, Beach Boys, Stevie Wonder, Country music, and more. I'm a recreational guitarist and keyboardist, willing to learn most any song that I don't know. Please let me know if you're interested in discussing further. Multumesc in avans!
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