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  1. Sunt chitarist si caut o trupa serioasa de rock in Timisoara.gen Motley Crue,Billy Idol,Bon Jovi etc. Ma puteti suna la 0747826023
  2. Hey man I have dedicated my life to rock'n roll since i was 4 year old, when i saw for first time a glam metal band.I love 80s rock music like Motley Crue,Billy Idol,Kiss...I always said that real art have been made in the 80s.I am looking for a long time to a rock band but know i think I find you my rock'n roll amigo.I am a lead guitarist and you can trust me because i learned from the best,from the 80s rockstars.Please give me a chance to show you what i can do.you can call me 0747826023
  3. LOUD,AGGRESSIVE ROCK 'N ROLL guitarist looking for band (gen 80s,glam,hair metal) in Timisoara. Nr. telefon 0747826023
  4. Salut!Vreau sa formez o trupa rock'n roll stilul anilor 80 (gen Motley Crue,Bon Jovi,Billy Idol etc) in Timisoara.Ma puteti contacta la nr 0747826023.
  5. Chitarist caut trupa in Timisoara.nr0747826023
  6. Doresc sa formez o trupa stil 80s rock'n roll.Ma puteti contacta la nr 0747826023
  7. Trupa in formare cauta clapar in Timisoara,stil 80s rock,hard rock(Billy Idol,Guns 'n Roses)Tel 0747826023
  8. Hey! Daca vrei o trupa badass rock'n roll ,suna-ma la nr 0747826023
  9. Chitarist de 17 ani caut trupa rock 'n roll in Timisoara.Nr de tel 0747826023
  10. Chitarist caut trupa rock stil Motley Crue,Billy Idol,Def Leppard in Timisoara.Nr tel 0747826023
  11. in ce oras?
  12. Salut!Am 17 ani sunt chitarist si m-ar interesa ce stil muzical vrei.
  13. Chitarist caut membrii pentru o trupa rock.Nr.tel 0747826023
  14. Caut o trupa serioasa de rock in Timisoara.Nu ma deranjeaza chiar daca trebuie sa cantam coveruri dar as dori sa avem si piese proprii.Tel 0747826023
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