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Everything posted by frantic92

  1. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup !!!!!!!
  2. si eu am auzit ca korg e foarte bun, multi au recomandat
  3. cumpar pedala tuner, preferabil boss tu-3 sau korg pitchblack. astept oferte in pm
  4. hello. te intereseaza un schimb? dau un boss mt2 metal zone pentru ds2 si nu trebuie sa dai bani de diferenta.
  5. Vand Boss Mt-2 Metal Zone distortion pedal cu cutie originala, manual de instructiuni, in o stare foarte buna, functioneaza excelent. pret 200 lei. ( preturi de magazin : http://www.thomann.d..._metal_zone.htm http://guitarshop.ro...dus.php?pid=409 ) accept si schimburi la alte pedale ( phaser, chorus, wah, alte dist/overdrive, pitch shifter etc. )
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