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  • Location
    Targu Mures

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  • Band
    Titan / Paradigm
  • Gear
    Vox /Digitech GNX 3000 /Fender / etc

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  1. Pret: 2000 RON Localitate: Targu Mures Contact: 0742666541 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Fender Showmaster Korean din 2005 cu uzură normală , in stare foarte bună. Am schimbat doza bridge pe Dimarzio CrunchLab , doza neck Seymour Duncan Perly Gates Plus original introdus in fabrică ! Mostra făcută de mine live: https://youtu.be/OjDW-2z0P6o https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/electric_guitars/fender/showmaster_fmt_hh/index.html
  2. VOX AC30 CC2 cu lampi full, nou ! Oras Targu Mures Pentru orice stil de muzica e buna ,Tonalitate groasa si suna TARE !!! Pret 3000 Ron. URGENT !!! - (pret magazin 3600 Ron) Contact: ibor_ente@yahoo.com / Tel: 0742 666 541 Front panel controls: Inputs x 2 (Top Boost & Normal); Input Link Switch for blending channels; Normal Volume; Brilliance Switch; Top Boost Volume; Treble; EQ Standard/Custom Switch; Bass; Reverb Controls (Tone, Mix, Dwell Switch); Tremolo Speed & Depth; Tone Cut; Master Volume; Standby Switch; Power Switch Rear panel controls: Loudspeaker output jack x 2 (Extension & External); Output (O/P) Impedance Select (8 or 16 Ohm); Output Bias (82 "Warm" or 50 "Hot"); Smoothing (22uF "Vintage" or 44uF "Modern"); FX Loop (Send, Return and Bypass Switch); Footswitch Jack (Tremolo and Reverb); HT Fuse; Mains Input; Mains Fuse; Model Dimensions/Weight: AC30CC2 76.21 lbs. 27.75" (W) x 10.4" (D) x 21.25" (H) Pret 3000 Ron. URGENT !!! Scad din pret 3000 Ron. URGENT !!!
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