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  • Location
    Cluj Napoca

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  • Band
    Nimrod's Weapon
  • Gear
    Chitara Peavey V-Type limited edition,
    Chitara Ibanez seria RG
    Amp Little Bull N50 Custom
    Cabinet Kitty Hawk 4x12"

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  1. Compresorul se afla in stare perfecte in studioul Torion din Cluj. Am facut un review, e vorba de acel compresor. Suna extraordinar, cu el se poate obtine acel "glue" al materialului audio. A fost conceput dupa celebrul compresor SSL folosit in toate studiourile mari din lume, dotate cu consola SSL. Singurul motiv pt care il vand, e ca am inca unul similar (Dione) si chiar nu am la ce folosi 2. Se poate proba la Cluj in studio (chiar recomand pentru a auzi ce poate acest compresor. Primul din poza.
  2. The MixDream XP is exclusively for the high-quality summation of 16 to 2 channels. The fully discrete signal paths of the active summator run in Class A mode at 60V operating voltage. The maximum output voltage of +27 dBu as well as a noise voltage of -97 dB results in a dynamics gain of 124 dB. The operating functions provide a mono circuit for all eight channel pairs, the output level can be processed either 1: 1 (unity gain) or adjusted via the output controller become. Two eight-channel SubD25 sockets are used as inputs, the parallel-connected master and monitor outputs, as well as the expansion output, are designed as XLR sockets. Size 19 "rack format with only one RU High-quality design with Class-A / 60V stages for the analog, active summation in the quality of the best analogue consoles Summation of all analog tracks before A / D conversion Latency-free listening Channel number can be expanded as required by additional units Own differential amplifiers for each input Singurul motiv pt care-l vand e ca mi-am cumparat mixer AMEK ANGELA. Atasez un video filmat in timp ce faceam mixdown al unei piese, folosind un setup hibrid (digital + analog) insumand 16 canale analog cu Mixdream:
  3. Convertorul intern al placii e defect, deci nu se poate folosi ca stand-alone, sau cele 8 preampuri proprii, insa functioneaza ca "gazda", primeste canale prin intrarile ADAT (16 canale), de asemenea furnizeaza 16 iesiri (tot prin conexiune cu un device extern via ADAT). Se vinde cu cablu break-out, alimentator si cablu Firewire 800/400, sau 400/400 in functie de preferinte.
  4. Avand in vedere ca firewire e o tehnologie abandonata, atat pot oferi.
  5. Pret usor negociabil. Chitara este intr-o stare exceptionala! Se poate proba la Cluj. PRS.mp4
  6. Rackul Fredenstein 6S este in stare perfecta, 10/10, achizitionat in urma cu un an, cu 6 sloturi. Versatil, are cate 2 intrari si iesiri pe canal, se pot linkui canalele alaturate cu un comutator. Il vand pentru ca trebuie sa iau unul cu mai multe sloturi. Atentie pentru cei, care nu cunosc produsul: modulele de compresor nu se vand! 230e usor negociabil, schimb doar cu echipament de studio
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