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Everything posted by dannsan_2000

  1. Pret: 550 Localitate: Bistrita Contact: 0757483899 Link producator: http://usa.yamaha.com/products/music-production/interfaces/i88x/?mode=model Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi http://usa.yamaha.com/products/music-production/interfaces/i88x/?mode=model
  2. Pret: 1000 RON Localitate: Bistrita Contact: 0757483899 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Digitech Vocalist 4 Live - three/four voice vocal harmonizer. Vocalist Live 4 features an on-board mixer and foot-switches. Vocalist Live uses breakthrough musIQ™ technology to directly analyze the output of any electric or pre-amplified acoustic guitar (no special MIDI guitars or hex-outputs needed). It then generates the correct corresponding vocal harmony. For example, if you’re singing an A over the chords that are generally found in the key of G, Vocalist will harmonize with a C. But, if you then play an A major, Vocalist will shift to the C#...because like any good harmony singer, it listens to the guitar! Selectable voicing: unison, 3rd, 5th above or below your lead vocal, vocal enhancement effects matrix with separate compressor, reverb and EQ/enhance controls and on-board guitar tuner. XLR mic/line input with level adjustment, low-noise pre-amp and 48V phantom power, 1/4" guitar input, stereo 1/8" line output and mono XLR line output. Includes power supply.
  3. mai e valabil..??
  4. mai e valabil..??poti pune ceva poza..??mersi..astept:)
  5. si..nu am nevoie de roti....si vin si dupa el..la Cluj..luni..daca e ok..:0astept sau ma poti suna pe 0757 48 38 99..mersi
  6. salut..am 600..daca nu e cu suparare..
  7. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bistrita Contact: daniel.nasaudean@yahoo.com Link producator: http://www.digitech.com/en/products/ht-6 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi dupa cum spune si titlu..vreau sa cumpar Tuner Digitech Ht-6 Polyphonic..sper sa fie ofertanti..multumesc anticipat..
  8. exista pedala care sa"ti transforme chitar acustica in chitara cu 12 corzi..??multumesc
  9. as dori un pret..daca mai e valabil...multumesc anticipat
  10. pretul a scazut instant la 500 de lei..am sa postez ..zelele astea..cateva poze reale..cu produsul..
  11. produsele s"au dat..multumesc..se poate inchide anuntul..
  12. Monitor activ de 70 wati RMS cu reglaje de inalte, medii si bas pe boxa.(cu posibilitate de pana la 100 ) dimensiuni: 560 x 440 x 370 mm greutate: 20 kg intrari pe xlr si jack...pt mocrofon si chitara. pretul este de 350 lei/bucata (sunt doua bucati in oferta)
  13. Boss ME25 pedala de multi-efecte pentru chitara- 60 de presetari, functie OD/DS si easy edit, ME-25 DVD-ROM incorporat. Alimentare curent thomann prin 6 baterii AA(incluse) sau prin alimentator optional . Greutate 1,9 kg. Dimensiuni W/D/H 300 x 191 x 72mm pret 600 lei, transport inclus.
  14. lasa"mi un numar de telefon..si vreau sa te contactez...pt. poze reala alea bas"ului..mersi mult si astept
  15. salut...oare..mai e valabil anuntul..??ma intereseaza...astept raspuns..multumesc
  16. stiu ca poate suna...ca si un incepator..dar as vrea sa va intreb daca la acest produs..pedala se poate folosii ca si volum..nu numai efectele care sunt desenate langa pedala.. multumesc si scuze...de intrebarea mea cam prsteasca..nu am mai lucrat cu asemenea chestii..si vreau sa"mi iau una.. http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=1001&ParentId=248..aici e produsul.. aa..si daca aveti sugestii..despre produs..va multumesc anticipat
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