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Everything posted by FMI

  1. Pedala Digitech Death Metal Distortion si-a gasit un nou stapan ! Sa o foloseasca cu placere!
  2. Pedala si-a gasit un nou stapan care sper sa o foloseasca cu placere! Multumesc RGC, topicul se poate inchide !!!
  3. Pret: 650 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722453822 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand urmãtoarele pedale: Digitech Death Metal distortion- 100 lei Behringer Vintage Tube Overdrive TO 800- 80 lei Behringer EQ- 70 lei ARTEC Switchbox SE- SwB A/B- 50 lei (lipsa capac baterie )-50 lei Procesor Digitech RP 250 (cu wah), made in USA, cu alimentator 110 V si adaptor 220 V - 350 lei Produsele sunt in stare foarte buna, demo-uri se gasesc garla pe Youtube, daca doreste cineva si poze , rog PM. Contact: 0722453822 , Mugur
  4. Problema rezolvata! Topic-ul se poate inchide! Multumesc RGC!!!!
  5. Te intereseaza la schimb un procesor Digitech rp250 , made in USA, impecabil?
  6. http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/88668-epiphone-les-paul/
  7. Pret: 100 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722453822 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Digitech Death Metal Distortion, stare perfecta de functionare. pret: UNA SUTÃ LEI !!!
  8. Te-ar interesa un schimb cu un set PRS Dragon II (USA)? nickel cover, splitabile , medium output, 9k+12k
  9. Vandut! Noul proprietar sa il cante sanatos si sa lanseze cat mai repede noul album !!! Multumesc RGC! Topic-ul se poate inchide !
  10. Rezervat pana duminica !
  11. Pret: 1300 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722453822 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand amp Orange Dark Terror, cu geanta originala, in garantie. Stare impecabila, Bonus: 2 difuzoare Fender, 12”, 8 ohm, 50w, pt. cine vrea sa isi construiasca si un cabinet. FEATURES AND SPECS: Features All valve 1.5mm Zintec chassis with vented steel top case High gain valve preamp Valve FX loop Controls Volume, Shape, Gain Output Power (Heads and Combos) 15 & 7 Watts Power Handling (Cabinets) NA Valves (Heads and Combos) Power amp: 2 xEL84 Preamp: 3 x Ecc83/12ax7 FX Loop: 1 x Ecc81/12at7 Speaker Output options (Heads) 1 x 16 Ohm cabinet connected to the 16 Ohm output 1 x 8 Ohm cabinet connected to one of the 8 Ohm outputs 2 x 16 Ohm cabinets each connected to one of the 8 Ohm outputs Speakers (Combos and Cabinets) NA Impedance (Cabinets) NA Extension Cabinet Options (Combos) NA Unboxed Dimensions H (cm) 19 H (in) 7.48 W (cm) 30.3 W (in) 11.93 D (cm) 15.3 D (in) 6.02 Unboxed Weight 5.65 KG 12.46 lb
  12. poate te intereseaza:
  13. te-ar interesa la schimb cu pedala de volum un distors digitech death metal? 0722453822, Bucuresti Mugur
  14. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722453822 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Cumpar footswitch Vox vfs5, pt. amp VOX seria VT.
  15. niste doze humbucker Wilkinson te intereseaza?
  16. FMI

    Doze Wilkinson

    daca ai maine, dupa pranz, drum pe la Piata Universitatii, ne putem vedea
  17. FMI

    Doze Wilkinson

    da, dar nu stiu cand, ca stau cam prost cu timpul..... in alta ordine de idei, mai ai backplate-ul de fender? chiar vroiam sa te sun pt. backplate
  18. te-ar interesa niste doze humbucker Wilkinson de pe un Vintage V100 Les Paul?
  19. FMI

    Doze Wilkinson

    as fi curios cum suna digitech-ul....
  20. FMI

    Doze Wilkinson

    Pret: 100 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722453822 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand set doze humbucker WILKINSON, bridge +neck, ce provin de pe un Vintage V100 Les Paul, Gold cover, 2 fire, stare foarte buna. 100 lei (fara negocieri1) , accept schimburi si diverse variante. Dozele arata ca cele din acest link: http://en.audiofanzine.com/guitar-pickup/wilkinson/humbucker/medias/pictures/a.play,m.350136.html tel. 0722453822
  21. poate te intereseaza:
  22. open
  23. te-ar interesa un set SD SH1 ?
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