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Everything posted by Emanuel.Ghentu

  1. Cautam vocalist si basist pentru o trupa de melodic death metal, din Bucuresti. Basistul trebuie sa aiba obligatoriu instrumentul propriu. Detalii la tel. 0724400996
  2. www.psychosunds.ro https://www.facebook.com/Psychosounds
  3. http://www.psychosounds.ro https://www.facebook.com/Psychosounds
  4. Adresa: Calea Plevnei (vis-a-vis de Spitalul Militar) Tarife: 420 RON / luna (24 ore) 20 RON / ora (trupa) 10 RON / ora studiu individual Gear: Bugera 6262 Infinium, Bugera 333XL, Bugera BVP5500, Pearl Target Set http://www.psychosounds.ro https://www.facebook.com/Psychosounds
  5. Sunt tobar incepator. YM: asgaardhr_odhinn daca te intereseaza.
  6. Sunt tobar incepator. YM: asgaardhr_odhinn daca te intereseaza.
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