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Everything posted by aleku

  1. E o scula high-end, mai mult decat o pedala: [exista lista de asteptare de 2 ani la ea]. Versatila pe 'nspe planuri/directii... - preamp - separat canal Clean/OD - ambele cu corectii si volume/gain - Eq - se poate infige direct in PA, PC sau cabinet activ - merge si cu baterie - plecand de la Dumble ca influenta de tonuri, dar iti poti face absolut orice ton doresti -TLE/Classic - se poate lua si modulul de power amp intr-un setup minimal de vis - http://www.customtonesinc.com/Page_10.html
  2. Rezolvat. Am luat de la Dominance, high-end realizare si scula. Multumiri infinite domnului Dan Panaitescu!
  3. Merci. Rabdare avem destula. Cine stie, o va lua
  4. Fara schimburi, va rog!
  5. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721371515 Link producator: http://www.tcelectronic.com/ditto-looper/ Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Caut ditto looper. Cineva plicitisit de el?
  6. Pret: 499.99 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721371515 Link producator: http://www.tcelectronic.com/hall-of-fame-reverb/ Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi TC Electronic Hall of Fame Impecabila Cutie originala Fara Alimentator
  7. Va rog sa ma contactati pe mail sau mobil. Acum am vazut ultimul mesaj...
  8. http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/95631-vox-amplug-ac30-nou/
  9. S-a dat. Nu stiam ca e asa celebru Multumesc RGC!
  10. Pret: 600 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721371515 Link producator: http://www.vhtamp.com/products/the-special-series/special-6-combo Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Combo Single Ended VHT Special 6! O bijuterie. http://www.vhtamp.com/products/the-special-series/special-6-combo Sint topicuri intregi dedicate acestui amp. http://www.tdpri.com/forum/amp-owners-clubs/231757-vht-special-6-combo-owners-club.html Motivul vanzarii: am facut un upgrade mult mai scump. Se poate testa pe un Tele. Pedale disponibile: TC HOF, Ethos OD. Are si footswitch, iar daca ma chinui cred ca gasesc si cutia originala For the money it's a steal!!! 6 Watts One 6V6 Output Tube One 12AX7 Preamp Tube Volume and Tone Controls Footswitchable Boost Mode High/Low Power Switch 10” VHT High-Sensitivity Speaker 4, 8, and 16 Ohm Speaker Jacks Mod-Friendly Eyelet-Type Board Handwired Model: AV-SP1-6 - See more at: http://www.vhtamp.com/products/the-special-series/special-6-combo#sthash.a6NiMok5.dpuf Boutique amp players will love the Special 6’s combination of handwired tube goodness, unique features and unparalleled value. The mod-friendly Special 6 is easy to customize for home amp builders and tube amp enthusiasts. The Special 6 gets its powerful tube sound from one 12AX7 preamp tube and one 6V6 output tube. It boasts a footswitchable Gain Boost feature that significantly expands its range of tones -- it's the only amp in its class that excels at both clean and overdriven tones, and it's the only amp in its class to offer a footswitchable boost. With the Gain Boost, players can instantly toggle between clean rhythm tones and overdriven leads, essentially duplicating the footswitchable functions of a 2-channel amp in an all-tube, handwired, simple, 2-knob package. To further expand its range of tones, the Special 6 also features a High/Low power switch that enhances low-volume tones with extra-smooth richness (when in half-power mode). It's a great feature for recording, or for low-volume "bedroom" players. In high-power mode, it's one of the few amps in its class that is loud enough to compete with a strong drummer. The Special 6 combo is outfitted with a special high sensitivity 10" VHT Special Design speaker. - See more at: http://www.vhtamp.com/products/the-special-series/special-6-combo#sthash.a6NiMok5.dpuf
  11. 171 RON!
  12. Vox Amplug Ac30 nou, chei Kluson noi + diferenta? Merci
  13. aleku

    Husa Ibanez

    Schimbi cu Vox AC30 amplug nou? Merci.
  14. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721 37 15 15 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Cumpar case telecaster si/sau Gibson jazz. Astept propuneri decente. Multumiri!
  15. Avem, avem!
  16. http://www.voxamps.com/amplug/ VOX Amplug AC30 nou. Luat de la MC Music. Pret: 120 RON
  17. Chei Kluson M6V0C Noi plus diferenta? Merci. http://forums.rgc.ro/topic/93512-chei-kluson-m6v0c-noi/
  18. Da. Cand nu mai e valabil, anunt!
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