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Everything posted by leavyou

  1. 120 lei !
  2. imi cer scuze,o poza e aiurea,nu o bagati in seama (lexicon).
  3. Pret: 450 RON Localitate: tg0jiu Contact: 0773843427 Link producator: http://www.terratec.net/details.php?artnr=10546#.VxjcX0x96Uk Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi placa de sunet usb terratec DMX 6fire impecabila tehnic si optic,latenta mica(4 ms),phantom power,in/out digital,contine cablu usb si adaptor 12 volti,driveri inclusiv windows 10.pretul este usor negociabil.996:IMG_0095.JPG]
  4. vanduta , multumesc !
  5. valabil !
  6. Pret: 350 lei Localitate: tg-jiu Contact: 0773843427 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi placa de sunet firewire noua,in cutie ,descrierea e luata de pe site oficial. pachetul este nefolosit si contine printra altele Cubase LE, VST si programe explicative pt modul de folosire,4 ore de lectii.URGENT ! The FireBox is the most powerful 24-bit/96k FireWire recording interface that fits in the palm of your hand. The FireBox is a complete 24-Bit/96k personal recording studio combining two high quality PreSonus microphone/instrument preamplifiers and 24-Bit/96k sample rate. The FireBox is the most professional-quality mobile interface in its class delivering: Higher-quality analog to digital converters (Dynamic Range 110 dB) Class-A microphone preamplifiers Ultra wide frequency response (10 - 50 kHz) Road-ready rugged build quality - metal chassis Hardware The FireBox has the highest record/playback track count of its size with the ability to record six inputs and playback through ten outputs simultaneously all at pro-quality 24-bit/96kHz. Two ultra-low noise high-headroom microphone/instrument preamplifiers with 48V phantom power are on the front panel for quickly and easily connecting your favorite microphones and instruments. The FireBox also includes a high quality stereo headphone output with volume adjustment on the front panel. The headphone output has its own two-channel driver stream which can be used as a separate stereo bus or two-channel output giving you the ability to send a “cue” mix to the headphone output and a main mix to the main output. Two additional balanced TRS line inputs are located on the rear of the FireBox along with six balanced TRS line outputs. Two channels of S/PDIF input/output and MIDI input/output are also included via DB9 breakout cable. A software router/mixer is also included for further flexibility and power. The 1/3U-wide metal chassis of the FireBox is designed to fit the MAXRACK rack-mounting system from PreSonus and can be racked with the TubePRE, COMP16, EQ3B and HP4 for a neat and compact computer recording system. The FireBox works with both four and six-pin FireWire (IEEE 1394) connectors and can be powered by either 6-pin FireWire bus power, or powered by an external power transformer. DSP Mixer Included The FireBox features a Zero-Latency DSP mixer that allows you to mix all six live inputs with a software output stream, then route that mix to any one of its outputs, as well as assign either that mix or a software output stream to its headphone amplifier. This feature eliminates monitoring through the computer and makes it easy to customize a mix for the artist. It also allows CUEING for DJ’s and live performance where the headphone output can monitor a completely different signal than the MAIN outputs.
  7. Pret: 150 lei Localitate: tg-jiu Contact: 0773843427 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi placa de sunet usb excelenta pentru home studio , contine cablu usb si driveri pana la windows 8.
  8. las placa la 100 de lei !!!
  9. Pret: 150 Localitate: tg-jiu Contact: 0773843427 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi placa de sunet PCI ,folosita ceva timp,functioneaza 10/10,driveri stabili,latenta mica.revin cu poze reale,deocamdata e inca in calculator.
  10. placa s-a vandut,multumesc RGC !
  11. Pret: 650 RON Localitate: tg-jiu Contact: 0773843427 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi placa de sunet profi + expansion board functioneaza impecabil ,convertori de exceptie.vand sau schimb cu ceva apropiat pe USB sau Firewire pentru mobilitate.multumesc.
  12. Pret: 100 RON Localitate: tg-jiu Contact: 0773843427 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi set cabluri stereo pentru tobe electronice , 9 la numar , inscriptionate .nu au fost folosite niciodata,tinute doar de back-up.
  13. se poate inchide merci.
  14. Mixer SoundCraft Compact 4 pret 250 lei
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