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  • Gear
    Gibson LP Custom '57 Goldtop Reissue
    Ibanez Silver Series Strat - guitar
    Epiphone Dot - guitar
    Effect Pedals - De toate
    Orange TH 30

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  1. Topic inchis. Multumesc RGC!
  2. Pret: 1300 Ron Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0726 473 028 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Sennheiser EW300 G2 wireless set 786.000-822.000 Mhz. Set complet, stare foarte buna
  3. Pret: 1400 euro Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0743/ 888 371 ; diana04ro@yahoo.com Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Head Marshall JCM 900 100W , 2 canale, fara footswitch, case inclus - 800 euro Cabinet Marshall 1960 A, 4x12`` Celestion G12-75, 300W, case inclus - 600 euro
  4. Topic inchis!
  5. Pret: 2200 RON Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0743/ 888 371 ; diana04ro@yahoo.com Link producator: Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Se poate proba in Bucuresti.
  6. Topic inchis! Multumesc RGC!
  7. Fara schimburi, sunt sigura Il vand pentru ca merg pe alt echipament si nu mai am nevoie de el UP!
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