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Posts posted by avatar2100

  1. Apa de toaleta La Nuit de L'Homme by Yves Saint Laurent 6.6 oz (200ml) cumparat din USA direct de pe siteul Sephora, am factura originala. Este insotit de ambalajul original. Cu tot cu taxele de New York a costat $110, Pretul este fix 350 lei. 100% Autentic


    tel: 0722136236

    La Nuit De L'Homme


    Item # 1337849 6.6 oz Eau de Toilette

    La Nuit de L'Homme by Yves Saint Laurent tells a story of intensity, bold sensuality, and seduction that lies half-way between restraint and abandon. Bright, masculine freshness combines with sophistication and nonchalance to create a fresh, yet deep and mysterious scent with notes of Cardamom, Cedar, and Coumarin—a structure of contrasting forces.



  2. Este in stare excelenta, cu absolut toate accesoriile livrate de producator, manual, footswitch, husa de protectie.. comboul se alimenteaza la 110v iar in cazul in care se doreste, se poate face transformator 220v la petra toroid, costa 140lei. Am mai avut un combo asemanator caruia i-am facut transformator la 220v doar ptr ca asa a dorit clientul, sunetul era neschimbat in comparatie cu cel de 110v :)

    Nu ofer in acest pret si convertor 220v-110v, dar va pot ajuta cu procurarea acestuia, am un electronist foarte priceput (78 ani) care poate sa construiasca unul asa cum trebuie pentru o suma decenta.. 50-80 lei

    Pret: 1250 euro usor discutabil

    Tel: 0722 136 236




    EXPRESS 5:50

    • TYPE: 1x12 all-valve combo
    • POWER: 50 watts Class-AB, switchable to 5 watts Class-A
    • VALVES: 2 x 6L6,
    • 5 x 12AX7
    • FEATURES: 2 independent channels with gain, treble, mid, bass, reverb, master volume and contour controls, 2 switchable voicings per channel, 50 watts/5 watts switch, effects loop, tube-driven long-tank spring reverb, 1 x 8-ohm output, 2 x 4-ohm outputs
    • SPEAKER: 1 x 12-inch Celestion C9
    • FOOTSWITCH: 3-button footswitch included (channel, reverb & contour on/off)
    • DIMENSIONS: 22-7/8 (w) x 19-1/2 (h) x 11-3/4 (d) inches
    • 580 (w) x 500 (h) x 300 (d) mm (max, with handle, and controls)
    • WEIGHT: 24.5kg (54lbs)


    Mesa/Boogie Express 5:50 1x12 Combo

    by Chris Gill





    A MP SHOPPING can be a lot like buying a new car. If you’re on a limited budget, you usually have to settle for an underpowered American- or Asian-made model that’s low on frills and thrills. If you want a high-performance model packed with luxurious features, expect to spend a

    small fortune.


    Mesa/Boogie Express Series amplifiers and combos are the music industry equivalent of a Mini Cooper. Though extremely compact, they deliver plenty of hair-raising power as well as a full selection of useful high performance

    features not typically found on products in their price class.

    Priced just beyond the “budget” or “entry-level” range, Mesa/Boogie Express Series amps offer an affordable

    alternative for gigging pros or anyone else who needs a versatile amp that can hold its own with the big boys.


    Mesa/Boogie offers two Express models: the 25-watt 5:25, which is powered by EL-84 tubes to provide “British” voicing, and the 50-watt 5:50, which uses 6L6 tubes to produce more distinctly “American” tones. The 5:25 is available as 1x10 or 1x12 combos while the 5:50 combos

    offer a selection of single or dual 12-inch speaker options. Both models are also available in head-only configurations. I took a ride on the 5:50 Express 1x12 combo.



    FORTY YEARS AGO, in 1969, Randall Smith invented the first Mesa/Boogie amp when he squeezed a tweed

    Bassman circuit and a 12-inch speaker into a Fender Princeton combo cabinet. The Express 5:50 1x12 combo

    remains true to the spirit of the original Boogie amp by providing the tone and versatility of a big amp in a surprisingly small package. Even better, the Express includes several of the most popular innovations that Smith and company have developed over the years, such as a high-gain cascading preamp, fully independent channel

    switching and Duo-Class power.

    Just about every GREAT Mesa / Boogie tone (and then some) lurks inside this compact powerhouse. Panel-LF.jpg


    CLEAN/CRUNCH and BLUES/BURN modes proide everything from pristine clean to molten metal.


    The CONTOUR controls duplicate the dramatic EQ curves of a graphic EQ without a mess of sliders.


    The Express 5:50 features two fully independent and individually voiced channels, each featuring its own set of gain, treble, mid, bass, contour, reverb level and master

    volume controls. Both channels have a mode switch that allows you to tailor the distortion and response characteristics to your preference, with Channel 1 providing a selection of Clean/Crunch tones and Channel 2 offering Blues/Burn choices.


    Two 6L6 tubes provide 50 watts of power in Class A/B

    mode, but the patented Duo-Class feature, accessible via a

    rear panel switch, also offers the option of powering the

    amp with just one tube to produce five watts of Class A single-ended power (which emphasizes the sweet

    second harmonic, an octave above the note played). Five 12AX7 tubes are used for producing Mesa/Boogie’s

    signature cascaded high-gain tones and for the reverb and effect loop circuits. Panel-MID.jpg

    The Express 5:50 combo ships with a heavy-duty footswitch for controlling channel select, contour on/off and

    reverb on/off functions. If you prefer to control these features with MIDI program change commands, four 1/4-inch jacks are provided for switching channels, reverb on/off, contour 1 on/ off and contour 2 on/off individually. Should you forget to bring your footswitch controller to the gig, you can still control contour on/off and channel select functions via switches on the front panel. The effect loop has mono send and return jacks and a nonvariable level designed for use with everything from stomp boxes to studio-quality rack processors.


    JUST ABOUT EVERY great Mesa/Boogie tone (and then

    some) lurks inside this compact powerhouse. Channel 1’s Clean mode combined with the luscious Accutronics spring reverb produces one of the best clean tones I’ve heard from a Mesa, with a fat roundness and three-dimensional clarity that rivals a vintage Twin Reverb. Switch over to Crunch mode for tight, gnarly overdrive with plenty of punchy low end, throaty midrange and razor-sharp presence. Channel 2’s Blues mode is loose, raw and raunchy, but cranking up the mids can produce singing, violin-like overdrive comparable to the classic Boogie Mark I. Burn mode is where modern metal tones lurk, and you can dial in brutal scooped mid rhythm tones with the Contour control and disengage it to boost midrange definition for in-your-face solos with all the volume you need.


    The tone controls interact significantly, and while that makes it tricky to dial in exactly the tone you have in mind, it ultimately provides a wider and more versatile range of tones. Although the 5:50 lacks a presence control, it’s really not necessary thanks to the expanded EQ range that the Contour control delivers. The ability to switch between the sweet, harmonically rich distortion of the five-watt Class A mode and the focused grit and growl of 50- watt Class A/B mode gives the 5:50 two very distinct tonal personalities.


    The Celestion C90 12-inch speaker and the combo’s open-back cabinet design deliver excellent performance for almost any variety of tones, but some metal players may find that the bass response isn’t always tight enough. Fortunately, the 5:50 features individual eight- and four-ohm speaker outputs for using a variety of external speaker options. When connected to a Mesa 4x12 Rectifier cabinet, the bass response of the 5:50’s Crunch and Burn tones became as tight as PVC underpants.


    IF YOU PLAY a variety of studio and performance gigs and need a compact amp that covers everything from pristine

    clean to the dirtiest metal tones, the Express 5:50 is the way to go. Its price is as small as its size, but its sound and versatility are about as big as it gets.



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  3. Vand camera foto Nikon D80, impreuna cu accesoriile originale si obiectiv Nikon 18-70mm, ambele in stare foarte buna de functionare, fara probleme estetice sau tehnice ( aspect estetic nota 9.5).

    Camera foto a fost folosita cu grija si nu a suferit socuri de nicio natura, total cadre 17568 - verificat cu opanda exif 2.3. Tot ce vedeti in poze veti primi.

    Pozele sunt reale. Pret: 2150 lei Tel: 0722136236




    Aparat foto digital Nikon D80, 10.2MP, obiectiv AF-S Nikon Nikkor18-70mm 1:3.5 - 4.5G ED DX SWM IF ASPHERICAL 67


    Noul ºi fenomenalul D-SLR D80 semi-profesionist de la Nikon va impresiona orice fotograf ce-ºi doreºte sã-ºi extindã opțiunile creative. Construit pe baza aparatelor foto Nikon premiate, D200 ºi D2Xs, îmbinând excepțional performanța opticii de vârf, tehnologiile creative pentru imagine ºi manevrarea eficientã vã va întãri convingerea cã Nikon vã susține aspirațiile creative, indiferent de stilul de fotografiere pe care îl preferați.


    • CCD în format DX de rezoluție înaltã de 10,2 megapixeli. Sensibilitate superioarã ºi performanțã de zgomot redus pentru imprimãri uimitoare în format de pânã la A3.

    • Vitezã ridicatã de 3 fps pentru fotografiere continuã: Pânã la 100 JPEG [Large, Normal] (Mare, Normal) sau 6 NEF (Raw) (Brut) fotografii consecutive.

    • Motor performant de procesare a imaginii: Reproducere fidelã a culorilor vii, naturale cu gradații bogate ale tonurilor.

    • Sistem AF cu 11 zone rapid, precis ºi flexibil cu un mod zonã AF automat uºor de utilizat, conceput recent.

    • Rãspuns instantaneu ºi decalaj foarte scurt al declanºatorului: Gata de fotografiere oricând ar apãrea momentul decisiv.

    • Efecte creative ºi uºor de utilizat încorporate: Editare încorporatã cu D-Lighting, remediere ochii-roºii, monocrom, efecte de filtru ºi suprapunere imagine.

    • Compatibilitate perfectã cu sistemul Total Imaging de la Nikon: Set dedicat de acumulatori MB-D80, obiective Nikkor de înaltã calitate, sistem de iluminare creativã i-TTL, softtware de capturã Nikon NX.


    Accesorii incluse:

    •obiectiv AF-S Nikon Nikkor18-70mm 1:3.5 - 4.5G ED DX SWM IF

    •element vizor din cauciuc DK-21

    •capac vizor DK-5

    •cablu A/V EG-D2

    •cablu USB UC-E4

    •CD-Rom Picture Project

    •încãrcãtor acumulator MH-18a

    •acumulator reîncãrcabil Li-ion EN-EL3e

    •capac corp BF-1A

    •curea AN-DC1

    •acoperire monitor LCD BM-7

    •acoperire cuplã accesorii BS-1











  4. Obiectivul a fost cumparat nou nout din Romania, cu factura si garantie. A fost utilizat la maxim 50 de fotografii. Este in stare ca nou! nota 10 din 10, tehnic si optic. A fost pastrat numai in cutie. Vine insotit de filtru HOYA UV, nou nout. Absolut toate acccesoriile si factura veche se afla in cutia originala.

    Pret: 1398 lei Tel: 0722136236

    Pozele sunt reale.



    Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AF-S Silent Wave serie G

    Facand parte din noua generatie de obiective prime, Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm F1.4G ofera posibilitatea de autofocus si pe seriile de dSLR-uri Nikon d40/d60, fiind dotat cu un motor de focus intern SWM.

    De asemenea obiectivul beneficiaza de o noua formula optica pentru o mai buna calitate a imaginii si de o diafragma cu 9 petale pentru un bokeh cat mai placut.

    Focala de 50mm il face potrivit pentru o multitudine de situatii, de la fotografia de portret pana la cea de strada sau fashion, iar diafragma larga de 1.4 confera o excelenta separare a subiectului de fundal plus posibilitatea folosirii de timpi foarte scurti de expunere chiar si in conditii de iluminare scazuta.










  5. Vand Fortis B-42 Flieger chronograph


    Ceasul a fost cumparat nou nout din USA, din magazin. Vine insotit de cutie originala, manual si tot ce continea pachetul. Ceasul a fost purtat foarte putin si este in stare excelenta. Nu ma intereseaza schimburi decat cu masini peste 2006 (ofer diferenta), opel astra h, vw passat, vw golf, volvo s40/60. Ceasul este extrem de precis.


    Fortis B-42 Flieger Chronograph este un ceas barbatesc cu mecanism automatic ETA Valjoux 7750, 25 jewels, 28.800 A/H (echivalent 4 Hz). Are cadran negru. Indica ora si minute. Secunda mica este pozitionata in dreptul orei "9". Data este pozitionata in dreptul orei "3". Aratatoarele orar, minutar si indicele sunt placate cu SuperLuminova. Este prevazut cu cronograf 12 ore si 30 minute. Curea din piele, cusaturi albe.

    Pret 1900euro Tel: 0722136236 Posibilitate schimburi













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