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cristia last won the day on July 26 2024

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    gibson les paul standard

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  1. Tube Head for Electric Guitar Based on the classic vintage look Sound from vintage to crunch 20 watts with power reduction to 5 Watts Preamp tubes: 3 x ECC83 Power tubes: 2 x 5881 Controls: Treble, Middle, Bass, Presence, Loudness 1, and Loudness 2 DI out Serial FX loop Impedance selector switch: 1 x 16 ohm, 1 x 8 ohm (2 x 16 ohm), 1 x 4 ohm (2 x 8 ohm)
  2. Guitar Combo Amplifier Power: 100 Watt 4 Channels in all-tube technology Equipped with: 2x 12" Celestion Vintage 30 & G12 Heritage Preamp tubes: 5x ECC 83 Power amp tubes: 4x EL34 Without semiconductor in signal path Individual 3-band EQ as well as gain & volume for each channel 12 Basic sounds can be chosen directly via foot switch or MIDI EL34 power amplifier with presence and resonance control 2 Switchable and programmable master volumes Programmable parallel effects loop with hardware bypass Digital reverb with individual controls for each channel Serial insert loop with hardware bypass circuit Emulated DI out MIDI IN and MIDI THRU Dimensions: 690 x 510 x 270 mm Weight: 34.5 kg Programmable 6-way foot switch included Pretul este in RON
  3. Features Twin footswitchable channels - Clean and Overdrive 2 modes on each channel - Clean/Crunch on Clean and OD1/OD2 on Overdrive Independent tone controls for Bass, Middle, and Treble on each channel Contour Control for dramatic mid sweep and "scooping" Emulated Line Out jack and Headphone jack CD input which allows you to play along to your favorite discs Built-in Digital Effects - Chorus/Delay, Chorus, Flange and Delay Separate Digital Reverb with level control Parallel Effects Loop with mix control Master Volume FDD (Frequency Dependent Damping) Supplied 2-way footswitch (Clean/Overdrive, DFX on/off) Marshall MG412A Angled Extension Cabinet Features: High-powered extension cab with premium speakers for a great value in a speaker cabinet Built to Marshall's exacting standards Carbon Tolex covering for added durability 4 x 12" Celestion speakers for classic tone and reliability 120-watt, 8-ohm design makes it easy to pair with almost any amplifier
  4. Vandut,Multumesc RGC!!!!!!!!
  5. Pret: 400RON Localitate: Timisoara Contact: Cristi Link producator: https://www.music-group.com/Categories/Behringer/Accessories/Midi-Foot-Controllers/FCB1010/p/P0089 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand controller FCB1010 cu chip uno instalat in stare foarte buna,am undeva si chip-ul original,pentru cine este 100% interesat il caut....
  6. Update pret 280 EURO negociabil
  7. De acord cu colegul ( dani_rosu5 ) la pretul la care gasesti aici (http://www.thomann.de/ro/harley_benton_g412a_gitarrenbox.htm?ref=search_prv_4_2) nu prea merita sa iti faci deoarece iesi tot pe acolo cu pretul si exista riscul sa gresesti calculul la incinta si nu va suna bine acel cabinet chiar daca bagi in el difuzoare de calitate.Eu am acest cabinet si nu suna chiar rau pentru banii astia (sigur un cabinet Marshall suna mult mult mai bine dar costa cam de 3-4 ori mai mult) dar in viitorul cat mai apropiat am de gand sa-i schimb difuzoarele cu ceva Celestion ( la fel ca si cabinetele Marshall) si va suna altfel dar gandestete ca doar schimbul difuzoarelor va fi undeva pe la 500 EURO.... Daca te hotarasti sa iti faci sa ne spui si noua ce ai reusit si eventual ceva inregistrare sa vedem cum suna Daca ai drum la Timisoara contacteaza-ma si poti veni la mine sa testezi cum suna mai ales ca am legat la el un amplif care suna exact ca cel a lui Slash,practic are doua moduri AFD100 si JCM800 Toate cele bune!!!!!!!!
  8. Multumesc!
  9. Buna, Daca foloseste sau a folosit cineva Talkbox pentru chitara,am si eu o intrebare... Ce fel de microfon sa folosesc alaturi de efect ( unidirectional sau omnidirectional)?Sau mai exact ce model este recomandat? Multumesc!
  10. Vand Chitara IBANEZ RG 350DX+straplock negru WARWICK+ curea IBANEZ,folosita foarte putin,impecabila fara nici o zgarietura sau lovitura,doze originale 2x INF3 si 1x INF4,tastiera palisandru,scala 25.5",cordar edge III tremolo culoare hardware negru,griff din lemn de artar cu 24 de taste,freturi jumbo,tipul constructiei solid body,electronica: 1 volum, 1 ton, schimbator 5 pozitii,culoare: alb cu placa pickguard din sidef alb. Pret negociabil!!!! Se poate testa live in Timisoara.
  11. Gustav ce amplificator folosesti ca vad din semnatura ca esti fan Slash?
  12. Eu folosesc o placa externa Focusrite,nu este una profi dar eu sunt multumit asa pentru hobby si este oricum mai buna decat cea onboard de la laptop si costa in jur de 100 Euro.
  13. Super detaliat "karpi" mutumim mult de tot pentru detalii (se vede ca ai studiat problema in amanunt) doctor ce sa mai zic..... Merci inca odata pentru explicatii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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