Nu-mi vine sa cred ca am gasit un topic de genul asta.
Eu am pe calculatorul de net SuSE 9.3 si atat.
Dupa instalare m-am trezit cu Rosegarden, cu Ardour, cu Audacity, cu Muse, Seq24, Hydrogen si multe multe altele, inclusiv soft-uri de montaj video.
Nu reusesc in schimb sa pornesc Jack-ul nicicum.
Am un Creative Audigy. Fiind vorba de scula de net, am componente mai de vara.
Greutatile le am pe celalalt calculator in care imi fac muzicile.
Dar vazand cum arata soft-urile astea din Linux, adica bine, sunt foarte incitat sa incerc un proiect sub Linux.
Nici nu stiu cum sa pun problema.
Pt inceput, ma poate indruma cineva ce sa fac ca sa pornesc serverul asta nenorocit de jack. Asta-mi apare cand incerc sa-l pornesc.
14:21:15.652 Patchbay deactivated.
14:21:15.822 Statistics reset.
14:21:15.993 MIDI connection graph change.
JACK compiled with POSIX SHM support
14:21:16.301 MIDI connection change.
14:21:16.303 MIDI connection graph change.
14:21:22.834 Startup script...
14:21:22.835 artsshell -q terminate
sound server terminated
14:21:24.389 Startup script terminated successfully.
14:21:24.453 JACK is starting...
14:21:24.454 /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -r44100 -p1024 -n2 -D -Chw:0,0 -Phw:0,0 -i2 -o2 -zs
14:21:24.477 JACK was started with PID=11551 (0x2d1f).
jackd 0.99.0
Copyright 2001-2003 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
cannot lock down memory for jackd (Cannot allocate memory)
loading driver ..
apparent rate = 44100
creating alsa driver ... hw:0,0|hw:0,0|1024|2|44100|2|2|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods
Couldn't open hw:0,0 for 32bit samples trying 24bit instead
Couldn't open hw:0,0 for 24bit samples trying 16bit instead
Couldn't open hw:0,0 for 32bit samples trying 24bit instead
Couldn't open hw:0,0 for 24bit samples trying 16bit instead
Noise-shaped dithering at 16 bits
14:21:24.690 JACK was stopped successfully.
14:21:26.497 Could not connect to JACK server as client.