Uitati ce spune omul asta.Eu acum le incerc pe toate.Revin cu un feed back mai tarziu.
A facut si un TOP 5.
E 2 noaptea, nu ma apuc sa traduc asa ca le postez asa cum sunt:
1. EZdrummer (Practice, Quick Recording)
I would recommend EZdrummer to anyone who needs something to sound great without spending lots of time with a learning curve. GREAT for beginners, yet still works GREAT for seasoned players.
2. DrumCore 2.5 (Practice, Nice Recording, Many Drum Samples)
I use DrumCore with the idea that I'm using famous drum sets! Sly Dunbar, Lonnie Wilson, Zoro, Jonathan Moffett, Alan White, Matt Sorum etc. I've got they're sound!
3. Addictive Drums (Live Use, Practice, Recording)
Addictive Drums sounds amazing, loads faster than any other titles I use, and is extremely playable. It has so many fantastic and sometimes funny presets! Great job from XLN Audio.
4. Superior Drummer 2.0 (Live Use, Practice, Advanced Recording)
Superior Drummer 2.0 takes the control you would find in mixing and mastering your acoustic kit, and gives it to you here, in this advanced software title. Great for just about anyone to use.
5. BFD2 (Live Use, Perfect Recording)
I recommend BFD2 to the player looking for ultimate control over his/her drum sound. You get raw sound here. You also get more brand name drum sets and cymbals to choose from than most VPT software packs out there.
Mie personal mi-a placut EZdrummer.
Sper ca v-am ajutat.Eu am cautat ca nebunul de 5 ore...si maine ma duc la servici.
See ya.