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Everything posted by DanJBS

  1. Citez::: Further more a Ibanez like the Vai signature is the guitar he is playing, at least according to himself. " vai has "endorsed" anderson guitars for yrs..and lotz of players have used these anderson guitars in the studio..(u never know whats going on behind studio doors EVEN if they have a endorsement deal.. ) Code: http://www.andersonguitars.com/whosplaying.html check out the list of players above...lotz of studio kats in there (even vai).. "It is also funny that 3 of the worlds best known top players, Satriani, Vai and Gilbert play Ibanez and many many others." yeah and they get a % on all of them sold(also the players mentioned are not known as sound conessiurs-besides vai- just playing..)....the power of marketing is amazing and guitar players are business men as well.. actually vai loved his anderson guitars but he needed a bigger company that can handle mass production of his "product" cause he always breaks guitars and ibanez could offer that.."In all honesty Vai probably realized Anderson was too small to realistically compete with the major companies." read more about it on bottom link.. anderson also doesnt give ANY of there guitars away for there endorsement deals like all the others out there...vai is the only artist they ever gave one away too.. also those RG models were "a lower priced derivative " models of the jems(which essentialy were copies of his anderson of sorts). these anderson guitars are really amazing not just sound/tone but feel..its hard to explain....ive tried several (my roomate had a few) but they are a buttload of cash and not for beginners cause there are no cheap models..thats why artists with $$ have them and true "sound" pureist or collectors.. i suggest trying one if anybody have the chance to really understand what im talking about.... but in all reallity if i was playing again id just make my own guitar...get the neck,body,parts and thats it.. its all in your hands anyway..but in studio what you have matters epecially to a producer..or they'll rent you stuff (if your at that level) or if in a big studio they might have house equipment on premise with top choice items (les paul,fender strat,anderson,etc,etc) and you will never EVER hear a producer say "hey lets rent a ibanez..." or "we need a ibanez on this track" actually ibanez in studios are known as "cookie cutter" sound..meaning they all sound the same (the common person wouldnt know the differance but ive known guys in the buis. who can tell you which guitar cable you have plgged in from just the sound-crazy and true and which brand strings you have) raider is correct though..to each his own...nobody should ever tell you what you should like...its all experiance and trial and error..all we can do is share our experiances and knowledge passed down from others... come to think of it i liked those old HM strats that they stopped making too..(greg howe used them back in the day) more info on vai jems conception here.. [/code]http://www.jemsite.com/jem/origin/index.htm
  2. Oi mai lasa
  3. La M&C music e 6.350.000Lei. Nu depaseste cu mult 6 mil.
  4. Daca ai cumva sound blaster live sau audigy sa stii ca au incorporate efecte si le poti folosi in timp real si modifica cum vrei tu. trebuie sa stii unde sa umblii.
  5. UP
  6. Vand Doza Ibanez Inf 2 IBZ INF2 (H) Bridge PU The Infinity 2 offers enhanced midrange output and excellent dynamics. Alnico-5 magnet for string clarity. Chitara are jumate de an de folosinta. Incep si eu de la 2 milioane neg.
  7. S-a dat. Se poate inchide postul!!!!
  8. o doza ajunge pe la 100-110E humbuker-ul pentru Romania
  9. OK! Thanks again.
  10. Intr-un final, doar ca sa fiu sigur....pentru Ibanez S470Bk imi trebuie doze Dimarzio F-spaced. Da??? Sa stiu ce sa imi iau sa nu dau 100 si ceva de E pe o doza care nu se potriveste perfect.
  11. Oare cum de nu am stiut chestiile astea pana acum? Chir nu am prea dat importanta ca nu am avut niciodata dorinta de a-mi schimba dozale. Multumesc mult pentru lamuriri.
  12. din cate am inteles celalalt are separat intrare pentru procesor. si ca greutate cica ar avea vreo 15 Kg.
  13. 25 din 26 Cel mamult ma enerveaza ca nuiti arata la care ai gresit.
  14. Faza cu show-off sa fim seriosi; daca probezi undeva chitara sau vine cineva nou si te aude cantand, ce faci? NU incepi acolo si bagi cat mai multe pe secunda? Parca fara sa vrei iti vine sa canti cat mai repede sa demonstrezi ceva.
  15. OK Multumesc mult. Deci mie pentru chitara cu floyd imi trebuie F spaced.
  16. Am observat la Dimarzio Evolution dp159 ca sunt 2 variante cea normala si cea f-spaced. Ce inseamna F spaced? Care e diferenta intre cele doua??
  17. Pe viitor ma gandesc sa achizitionez una din aceste doua combo-uri. Eu am probat numai un Envoy 110 si a sunat super tare(din punctul meu de vedere si la prima vedere), dar diferenta de pret intre ele nu este mare si as vrea sa aud pareri despre sa vad spre ce sa ma orientez.
  18. up
  19. E ok ideea de propunere. E normal sa incerci. Faza e ca am avut deja un ax1500G si dupa mi-am luat asta. Acum am nevoie de bani. Plus ca am vorbit cu cineva despre el momentan sa il dau si numai nu reusim cu poasta asta romana. Dupa ce il dau o sa inchid topicul. Dar pana actunci il mai las deschis.
  20. Mie cel mai tare mi-a placut faza ca femeile sunt curve si proaste si cu 3x femeie. LOL Apropo de prima faza mai uitati-va si voi in jurul vostru sa vedeti cati distrusi de-ai nostrii (baieti) se intalnesc. Cum sunt o parte din fete care se incadreaza celor spuse mai inainte asa sunt si de partea cealalta numai ca aia sunt dobitoci si disperati dupa o asa zisa "curva". Oricum ce-i drept e ca atunci cand vezi o femeie cu o chitara care se pricepe ori te uiti la femeie ori te gandesti la ma ce nu putea sa fie chitara aia a mea. Daca ne uitam in video cu Ozzy si Lita Ford, parca apreciem talentul muzical , dar mai apreciem ceva la ea pe cand la Ozzy apreciem chiar numai talentul. Si nu prea vezi tu lansate nus ce femei care nu arata bine indiferent de talentul pe care il au. Sunt care canta extraordinar dar daca "nu au aspectul nu au valoare". Avril Lavigne sau cum o cheama e o fufa care are ceva voce, are piese dragute dar e falsa si exploatata pe faza ca are look si atitudine cool pt noua generatie si cumva le indeamna pe fete sa fie Independente (ce zice femeia de mult ca vrea da totisi nu-i place) Era o faza faina in Rock Star (the moovie). Daca femeilor nu le mai place de tine atunci nici baietii nu iti vor mai cumpara albumele. In afara faptului ca era vb de o trupa rock cu un solist situatia e la fel doar ca acum se exploateaza femeile care cica ar trebui sa fie exemplul celorlalte. Si femeile cum vad una care (desigur situata acolo de barbati care fac bani buni pe curul ei) pare mai independenta sau cum o fii, tot isi iau exemplul respectiv si idolizeaza, cam cum e cu Britenei , Madona si care or mai fi pe acolo.
  21. DanJBS

    Poze cu forumisti

    Eu cu prietena mea cea ma buna berea si o colega (prietena) de asemenea buna.
  22. La cat costa un 505II, macar asa de farmec merg maine sa imi iau unul....
  23. sus
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