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varu' maftei

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Everything posted by varu' maftei

  1. Cine are informatii/poze din culise cu sculele trupelor e invitat sa le impartaseasca aici. Chitarile le-am vazut cu totii, dar ampurile/pedalele (inclusiv cele ale tobarilor) nu prea. Anybody ?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM1x00cbyTM
  3. http://www.thomann.de/de/cat.html?gf=roehr...mbos&oa=pra Dupa cum vezi, nu gasesti unul de 40W la 6-8 milioane.
  4. Line6 MM4 pentru FCB1010 + 400 lei, ce zici ? The MM4 features spot-on models based on* classic mod units like the brilliant optical tremolo found in the 1965 Fender® Deluxe Reverb® amp, the badass bias tremolo of the 1960 Vox® AC15, the legendary MXR® Phase 90 favored by Eddie Van Halen, and even the dripping phase effects of the funkadelic Mu-Tron® Bi-Phase. Step into the dimension of rotating speakers with models based on* the Fender® Vibratone and the classic Leslie® 145. You’ll also get models based on* a pair of MXR® and A/DA’s essential flangers, as well as the Boss® CE-1 Chorus Ensemble that made Andy Summer’s shimmering sound the cornerstone of the Police and the signature guitar sound of the Eighties. Wanna modulate your entire consciousness? Check out the outrageous Ring Modulator, which will turn your guitar into a talking robot from the outer Zarkon system; select between Amplitude and Frequency Modulation and don’t be surprised if a mothership lands on your mixing board. Whether you opt to head for the Twin Peaks of the mysterious tremolos found in the MM4, the chewy pleasures of its mouth-watering Uni-Vibe® model, or the fighter jet swoosh of its creamy flangers, you’ll be able to save and recall up to four of your own creations (or access the ones we’ve preloaded) by simply pressing and holding one of the four solid footswitches
  5. http://www.mcmusic.ro/department.php?bid=1...&NrPagina=4 Care iti place cum arata dintre astea / Ce stil vrei sa canti ?
  6. http://www.mcmusic.ro/product_view.php?Bra...dProductID=2397
  7. Ce model e Whammy ? 3, 4 ?
  8. Prin Romania nu mai vii ? Daca ai vreun prieten pe aici, l-as putea trimite cu ramburs si tu il iei de la el.
  9. http://activities.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu...8246830&f=7
  10. Asta au postat pe myspace: ALTAR - Unfortunately the rumors that you may have heard are true:2 band members were involved in a major road accident on the way back home from BZ Posted 3 hours ago from Twitter
  11. varu' maftei

    Searing Blaze

    Fain concertul, rock on !
  12. ...sau cu Shure SM57
  13. Daca vrei un Jackson adevarat (made in Japan, ebony fretboard, mahogany body, EMG81) la un pret cu care n-o sa-ti cumperi o chitara noua care sa se apropie de calitatea asta, ia-o pe a mea: http://forums.rgc.ro/index.php?act=findpost&pid=424446
  14. Schimb cu Digitech RP500.
  15. Merci de raspunsuri, daca ar fi de la baterie ar fi simplu de rezolvat, mie mi-e de altceva...
  16. Am instalat o noua baterie pentru doze (EMG81 si 89) si m-a tinut 3 ore. In afara de cazul cand bateria era veche si terminata, ce alta explicatie ar putea fi ?
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