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Everything posted by crashterrier

  1. Vand Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water ca nou, in cutie, folosit foarte putin, in garantie.
  2. Scuze, acum am vazut nr de tel.
  3. Ti-am trimis mesaj privat.
  4. Ensoniq EPS 16 Sold si el
  5. Accept unele schimburi.
  6. Ensoniq EPS 16 plus - 150 euroKorg DSS 1 - 200 euro (o mufa de output e capricioasa) Crumar Organizer plus pedala volum - 200 euro
  7. Ensoniq EPS 16 plus - 200 euroKorg DSS 1 - 200 euro (o mufa de output e capricioasa) Crumar Organizer plus pedala volum - 230 euro
  8. Roadracer s-a dat. UP pentru restul si o reducere de 30% pentru miine.
  9. Ensoniq EPS 16 plus - 300 euroCrumar Roadracer - 150 euro Korg DSS 1 - 300 euro (o mufa de output e capricioasa) Crumar Organizer plus pedala volum - 350 euro
  10. Un ESQ 1 plus?
  11. Nu mai accept schimburi, doar oferte serioase.
  12. Pret: 500 E Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: MP Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand acest monstru despre care multi zic ca are cele mai bune filtre facute vreodata de Korg. Capacitati unice, printre care cea de a desena cu slider-ul propriile waveform-uri. Suna incredibil. Are inclusiv dual delay pentru sound design madness. Are cea mai intuitiva interfata pe care am vazut-o la un sampler. IMPORTANT: E upgradat cu cititor de carduri SD in loc de Floppy deci e super rapid la incarcat orice ton compatibil de pe net. E mare si greu, se livreaza doar personal in Bucuresti. La vanzare o perioada limitata. A wonderful early digital synthesizer. With eight notes of polyphony, two oscillators per voice, a noise source, two multi-stage envelopes, a resonant filter and auto-bend, the DSS-1 has much in common with Korg's previous flagship DW-8000. But it went much further, boasting twin digital delays, oscillator sync, an improved unison mode, a lush analog VCF switchable between 12 and 24dB, and more. Whereas the DW-8000 got its raw material from 16 stored digital waves, the DSS1's oscillators take their source from sampling, additive synthesis, or even hand-drawn waveforms! It actually had a warm sound and was great for creating pads and textures, as well as deep basses and drones. The synthesis method is based on altering various waveform samples via 2 data sliders. It can sample and then treat the samples as its waveforms - that includes all filtering and envelopes.
  13. https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/116343-m-audio-fast-track-pro/
  14. Ofer un case de transport gratis.
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