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Everything posted by NiNjA

  1. NiNjA


    http://www.rockshop.ro Ati luat ceva de la ei? Ca m-ar interesa niste tricouri;)
  2. Pai sa-l trimita la mine si de la mine in .ro
  3. What's the difference between Rock music and a machine gun? The machine gun only repeats 10 times per second.
  4. Asta-i tare :P:P A tour manager comes across the guitarist and bass player fighting at the side of the stage and pulls them apart asking what the problem was. "That bastard detuned one of the strings on my bass", says the bass player, "And we're on stage in five minutes." "So what's the problem?", asks the tour manager. "He won't tell me which string it was he detuned", said the Bassist.
  5. A man gives his son an electric bass for his 15th birthday, along with a coupon for four bass lessons. When the son returns from his first lesson, the father asks, "So, what did you learn?" "Well, I learned the first five notes on the E string." Next week, after the second lesson, the father again asks about the progress, and the son replies, "This time I learned the first five notes on the A string." One week later, the son comes home far later than expected, smelling of cigarettes and beer. So the father asks: "Hey, what happened in today's lesson?" "Dad, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to my lesson; I had a gig!"
  6. A guitar player comes to the doctor and complains about a serious deterioration of his memory. He especially has a hard time remembering correct changes and is afraid to lose all his gigs. Since the doctor can't find the cause, he asks the guitarist to leave behind his brain for a week in his lab for more detailed examinations. After seven days the guitar player fails to show up, and even after 2 more weeks there's no sign of him. Finally the doctor runs into him on the street, grabs him and asks: "Excuse me, but your brain is still waiting for you to stop by and pick it up, so why don't you show up?" The guitarist says, "Well, I think you can keep it; I finally switched to bass..."
  7. Late one day a local pub saw six guys walk in, obviously in pairs of two, sit down and order their favorite after-work drinks. The first two to seat themselves and be served by the bartender were two guys working at a major university whose I.Q.s were so high they could hardly be measured! They began discussing from Quantum Mechanics to the fine points of Particle Physics, either one as brilliantly as the other. The bartender then went over to the next pair who were "regular guys" with ordinary jobs, with average I.Q.s, schmoozing about how hard it was today to keep up with bill payments, how high taxes were, how corrupt politicians were and all the day-to-day struggles most everyone has. The last two the bartender served were two very badly educated, ill-mannered dolts with very low I.Q.s that could barely be measured on any I.Q. test. As soon as they'd ordered the bartender overheard one say to the other, "Oh, hey, I meant to ask ya, d'you use flat wound or round wound on your bass?"
  8. -How do you make a guitarist's eyes light up? -Shine a flashlight in his ear. -What's the range of a Gibson Les Paul? -Depends on how far you throw it. -Why are so many guitarists jokes one liners? -So the rest of the band can understand them. -What's the difference between a guitar player and a bag of garbage? -The garbage gets taken out at least once a week. -What's black and blue and laying in a ditch? -A guitarist who's told one too many drummer jokes.
  9. Oooooooo, nuuuuuuuuuuuu. Daca facem swap-ul pe la mine, tot pe-acolo ajungem...
  10. Hai ca-mi esti simpatic. Si istet pe deasupra. Transportul de la ei e cam 200$. Poti sa verifici si tu. Da-i "add to cart" si dupa aia "calculate shipping"... It's magic!
  11. Aici: http://www.music123.com/OLP-John-Petrucci-...l-i128826.music Si cam 100$ transportul.
  12. Valeu lasa-ma ca eu am nevoie. Sa vedem ce iese...
  13. NiNjA

    Ciudatenii ...

    Mai cauta ca sint si cu 15:D Cu 18...s-ar putea. Si mai vazusem cum un bass cu 12 corzi l-a bagat in spital pe unu' de la Van Halen:o
  14. 2004/11/29, intre 10:00 si 12:00, citeva zeci de secunde. Version up la Apache 1.3.33
  15. Marfa. Mergeti?
  16. NiNjA

    Sectiune noua

    By popular demand... Vezi ca te-am facut mod.
  17. Foarte misto. Pune-o si pe electrica.
  18. NiNjA

    Fender Bass

    Gata. Am fost si l-a indreptat. Cit m-am invirtit pe-acolo am facut pozele alea. El a fost cam 500$ si amp-ul ceva sub 200. Are 60W, dar pe la un sfert din volum nu mai poti sa mai stai in casa... Fender original? Cum adica? E Fender Japan : crafted in Japan, ca in rest au numai un Jazz Bass mexican pe stinga. A venit cu tot cu husa. Si am luat si o pedala Digitech BP80. Care stiti, suna diferit un Jazz Bass fata de un Precision Bass?
  19. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

    Pai preturi normale. Jackson-urile(alea made in Japan) se vede ca scrie pe ele: 6-700$. Se vede si pe head-ul ala Mesa: 3000$...
  20. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

    Mori cearny!
  21. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

  22. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

    Gibsoane aranjate frumos in vitrina
  23. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

    Gibson Les Paul Supreme
  24. NiNjA

    Ca la noi

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