Kim Thayil on categorization and selling out:
"Obviously we're not gonna come out with all the metal cliches that have been put on the radio for the past eight years. It we're going to patronize the audience that likes that stuff, we might as well be another Bon Jovi or Cinderella. If we are attracting different audiences, that's fine, because we did it by being what we are. If we were naturally a country band, I hope the country people would come out and listen to us."
eu doream sa aflu parerea voastra despre reuniune,dar nu numai, in general orice critica/lauda la adresa trupetilor e binevenita...reuniunea trupei era de actualitate si am considerat ca merita un topic pe forum,unde sa se poata discuta despre asta(intr-un fel sau altul).deci clar nu e nevoie de: pentru asta exista PM.
da asa e ,ma gandesc cum ar fi fost daca nirvana ar fi continuat cu alt solist despre ultimul album,faci o melodie tribut pt layne,numesti si albumul dupa melodia aia, mai bagi o melodie,poate doua, care se ridica cat de cat la nivelul lor de dinainte si gata,everybody's happy
aveti idee de magazinul asta, a cumparat cineva de acolo, preturile sunt considerabil mai mici decat in alta parte si ma gandeam daca sunt seriosi...