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Scott Grove


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da, am auzit eu, am toate clipurile lui, toate tutorialele si lectiile :) si nu, nu are probleme. Insa cand vezi cat de proasta e 80% din populatia planetei, nu prea poti sa nu fii cu mici accese de grandomanie. Filosofii despre oameni extrem de abili, inteligenti, destepti, intelepti, care sa fie si super chill si modesti, mai ales intr-o era in care planeta arunca cu rahat in ei din invidie, cu fiecare ocazie, nu merg. Cel putin nu cu mine :). So u either learn something from him or remain guitarded, as he'd say :P No pwn intended on anyone who doesn't like him.

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Chiar nu inteleg cum poti vedea ceva, orice farama de inteligenta in omul ala :huh: Nu spune absolut nimica concret si nu dovedeste nimic din ce afirma. Cine se comporta ca el o face pentru ca e frustrat, nu pentru ca e prea destept si neinteles. E practic un fel de attention whore :lol: Uite o parere nepartinitoare de pe Reddit(pentru ca eu unul nu-l suport si sunt cat se poate de subiectiv):


As entertainment, he is comedy gold, especially if you watch the videos he usually takes down after a few days where he gets outright racist and homophobic as a way to get attention, seriously, the guy loves to ramble on about how much he hates Mexicans, African American's and homosexuals, it is actually kinda sad.

As a source of information about guitars, he is useless, he makes sweeping generalizations without backing anythingup with (heaven forbid) actual facts, he acts like his personal opinions are simply "the way it is" and anyone who argues or even mildly disagree's is clearly a idiot.

Worse yet, if you check the comments section of his videos, you will see that he has formed a pretty surreal cult of personality that agrees with whatever he says (you can find a couple of those here on this very subreddit) and as such, it is not surprising that he thinks his word is law.

The guy has serious issues, a quick google search reveals some pretty fucked up stuff he has done to forum users (threatening to kill them, stuff like that), seriously, I don't know how anyone with half a brain could be willing to think any of his "facts" are true.

His obsession with the tone wood debate is pretty messed up, when the Anderton's guys made the video about tone wood, he hopped on the comments section and started slinging Anglophobic and homophobic insults wildly, not the actions of a man that one should trust at all.

He is pretty much a troll and he knows it, he even admits it and yet still people think he is somehow a source of legitimate information.

Overall, he may be rich, he may own a ton of guitars but so do more than a few other collectors, that does not make him a expert, that does not mean you should trust his heavily biased opinions.

Funny enough, if you watch enough of his rantings, you will find that he thinks every guitar sucks unless it has some sentimental value to him, for example, he has a 70's Paisley strat that he loves but if he were to pick up another strat, it would suck, he has a bunch of goofy custom guitars that are apparently "the best guitars ever" but really only for him.

That is the core of the problem, he can say Gibson sucks or Fender or whatever but in the end, that is based on his own personal preferences, heck, I don't really like playing Gibson's but I am capable of understanding that it is my own opinion and not a reflection of the quality of a Gibson in reality.

Just because his opinions are against he grain does not make them right, just because his opinions buck the trend does not make them any more credible than yours or mine, they are just opinions and far too many folks in the online guitar community are actually willing to take them as fact just because they are controversial.

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Rob Chapman spune altfel despre Scott Grove si el a fost amenintat de Scott Grove.




"That being said, I still subscribe to his channel because if you manage to pass through all the hate and drivels (you got to ear him talking about how to treat illegal immigrants and how to resolve the Middle East problems - think nuke - it's priceless), he still has some really cool guitars, some serious country chops (though his dexterity isn't what it probably used to be). And even some good point about the whole guitar business."


Mie imi plac multe chestii care le spune dar mi-as dori sa fie mai politicos si sa se exprime mai frumos.


Cred ca de multe ori are dreptate.

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Si pe mine m-a amenintat :lol: L-am enervat pana i-a sarit tandara. N-am nici o problema cu insultele/rasismul/homofobia, si eu is la fel intre prieteni, dar tipul pur si simplu nu zice nimica nou/util. Aceleasi rahaturi le-am auzit discutate pe 100 de forumuri. Rob Chapman, fiind un foarte bun vanzator, profita de situatia iesind ca good guy, din conflict. Are chitari de vandut, normal ca e un bun diplomat.

Edited by SausageAssassin
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Si pe mine m-a amenintat :lol: L-am enervat pana i-a sarit tandara. N-am nici o problema cu insultele/rasismul/homofobia, si eu is la fel intre prieteni, dar tipul pur si simplu nu zice nimica nou/util. Aceleasi rahaturi le-am auzit discutate pe 100 de forumuri. Rob Chapman, fiind un foarte bun vanzator, profita de situatia iesind ca good guy, din conflict. Are chitari de vandut, normal ca e un bun diplomat.


Posibil sa ai dreptate. Rob e un tip foarte misto oricum.

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Chiar nu inteleg cum poti vedea ceva, orice farama de inteligenta in omul ala :huh: Nu spune absolut nimica concret si nu dovedeste nimic din ce afirma. Cine se comporta ca el o face pentru ca e frustrat, nu pentru ca e prea destept si neinteles. E practic un fel de attention whore :lol: Uite o parere nepartinitoare de pe Reddit(pentru ca eu unul nu-l suport si sunt cat se poate de subiectiv):


As entertainment, he is comedy gold, especially if you watch the videos he usually takes down after a few days where he gets outright racist and homophobic as a way to get attention, seriously, the guy loves to ramble on about how much he hates Mexicans, African American's and homosexuals, it is actually kinda sad.

As a source of information about guitars, he is useless, he makes sweeping generalizations without backing anythingup with (heaven forbid) actual facts, he acts like his personal opinions are simply "the way it is" and anyone who argues or even mildly disagree's is clearly a idiot.

Worse yet, if you check the comments section of his videos, you will see that he has formed a pretty surreal cult of personality that agrees with whatever he says (you can find a couple of those here on this very subreddit) and as such, it is not surprising that he thinks his word is law.

The guy has serious issues, a quick google search reveals some pretty fucked up stuff he has done to forum users (threatening to kill them, stuff like that), seriously, I don't know how anyone with half a brain could be willing to think any of his "facts" are true.

His obsession with the tone wood debate is pretty messed up, when the Anderton's guys made the video about tone wood, he hopped on the comments section and started slinging Anglophobic and homophobic insults wildly, not the actions of a man that one should trust at all.

He is pretty much a troll and he knows it, he even admits it and yet still people think he is somehow a source of legitimate information.

Overall, he may be rich, he may own a ton of guitars but so do more than a few other collectors, that does not make him a expert, that does not mean you should trust his heavily biased opinions.

Funny enough, if you watch enough of his rantings, you will find that he thinks every guitar sucks unless it has some sentimental value to him, for example, he has a 70's Paisley strat that he loves but if he were to pick up another strat, it would suck, he has a bunch of goofy custom guitars that are apparently "the best guitars ever" but really only for him.

That is the core of the problem, he can say Gibson sucks or Fender or whatever but in the end, that is based on his own personal preferences, heck, I don't really like playing Gibson's but I am capable of understanding that it is my own opinion and not a reflection of the quality of a Gibson in reality.

Just because his opinions are against he grain does not make them right, just because his opinions buck the trend does not make them any more credible than yours or mine, they are just opinions and far too many folks in the online guitar community are actually willing to take them as fact just because they are controversial.

Cam asta e si opinia mea . Scott are o fel de secta , daca maine o sa spuna ca lumea sa foloseasca din nou corzi din intestine fiindca e singurul mod ca sa obtii tonul tonurilor o sa o faca lumea . Si daca tot vrei sa asculti ce spune el , macar asculta de la cineva fara sa isi condimenteze videourile cu xenofobie , homofobie , rasism etc.etc

My 2 cents...

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daca lumea s-a uitat la 2-3 clipuri care au avut si bafta sa fie incarcate de hate din partea lui, cred si eu ca se formeaza o opinie nasoala despre (orice) individ ... dar va indemn sa va uitati macar la cele 62 de clipuri ale lui despre guitar facts, lasand la o parte celelalte video-uri cu alte tematici (review, lectii, etc.). Asa si Malmsteen este detestat de multi oameni. De ce? pentru ca e un geniu muzical si are un ego care da de multe ori pe afara :) but take it as it is.


Lumea se plange de Scott ca e nush cum si ca Malmsteen e bla bla ... insa cam 70% din forumu' asta le da amandorura lectii in egocentrism si prostie, fara sa fi realizat ceva mai mult decat un job aiurea care n-are treaba cu muzica si o zdranganeala de sufragerie. In rest, pareri, opinii si discutii :) No offence dar nu cred ca vreunu' din noi e indreptatit la opinie cand vine vorba de oameni care chiar au facut ceva (si sa nu-mi aud replici democratice si libertine pt exprimare :P)

@ADIDAS: misto thread-ul de pe forumul ala :) dar vezi k nu Rob Chapman a scris cele citate de tine. El nici nu a intervenit in discutie :) Membrul "Shawali_FR" a scris chestia aia. Oricum am spus, nu-l disculp unde e dobitoc :lol: doar ca fac abstractie pt ca intr-o masura sau alta cu totii facem ca el, doar k pt noi devine un fel de-a fi si nu ne dam seama, insa cei din exterior miros imediat cand sarim calu' :)

Edited by otringal
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