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Bareknuckle Pickups (Bkp) The Mule


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Pret: 800 RON

Localitate: Iasi

Contact: nothing_ro@yahoo.com

Link producator: https://bareknucklepickups.co.uk/main/pickups.php?cat=humbuckers⊂=vintage&pickup=the_mule

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Printr-un schimb intortocheat am ajuns in posesia a ceea ce credeam eu ca e un set de BKP The Mule (nici acum nu-s pe deplin convins ca nu e set), pe care weekend-ul trecut le-am inlocuit cu un set de "Tim Shaw" pickups (care, dupa urechile mele, is fix ce-mi trebuie) motiv pentru care (pentru a-mi recupera o parte din banii dati pe Shaw-uri) am ajuns la concluzia ca trebuie sa vand BKP-urile.




1. una bucata doza BKP The Mule

Culoare: Zebra

Output: 8,29 K

Magnet: Alnico 4

Spacing: 49,2mm

Pozitie: eu am purtat-o in neck dar dupa valoarea output-ului (dupa cum e dat si in pagina producatorului) tind sa cred ca e un bridge


2. inca o bucata doza BKP The Mule

Culoare: Double White (sau Cream) aged

Output: 8,34 K

Magnet: Alnico 4

Spacing: 49,2mm

Pozitie: Bridge, are un sticker pe fir pe care scrie mare si clar: Bridge.


Le pot vinde atat ca set cat si separat. Mie nu mi s-au parut a fi dezechilibrate ca set.




Aceste doze sunt versiunea de PAF a domnului Tim Mills.


Classic 'Patent Applied For' vintage tone with exceptionally balanced frequency response and more than enough power for almost any application.

The Mule humbuckers are built and voiced as faithful reproductions of the best sounding late '59 PAFs with a differing number of turns of vintage correct 42 AWG plain enamel wire on each coil. This results in outstanding clarity and extended dynamic range. The solid nickel silver baseplate and cover are exact replications along with the butyrate bobbins, maple spacers, nickel-plated slugs and Fillister no.5 pole screws. Sand cast Alnico IV magnets give The Mule faster response in the bass, fuller mids and better control in the high end. Even at low levels of gain, smooth harmonic feedback, full of overtones is possible, while clean sounds have depth and unmistakable vintage character.


Cam asa suna:


Pretul este negociabil in limita bunului simt.

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