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Tobar/a Primitiv/a In Timisoara Pentru Heavy Rock


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... probabil gasesc unicorni roz invizibili mai usor, dar here it goes ...


Caut tobar/a pentru heavy rock / sludge / doom / crust. None of the new shit. Old school, dirty, underground.

Dystopia, Crowbar, Amebix, Motorhead, Eyehategod, High on Fire, Doom, etc.


Daca suni ca un fel de lost tribe on drums, daca eroul tau e Phil the Philthy Animal Taylor sau Animal (

), aia e. Nu ma intereseaza tehnica, pedala dubla, bla bla bla ...


Si daca tot e vorba de unicorni, ar fi bine sa fii disponibil/a pentru concerte/turnee ... Balcani, Europa, etc.


I am the graves of the 80s

I am the risen dead

Destroy their modern metal

And bang your fucking head


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