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Hey Read This !^^

Guest KAJI

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Hi My Name is François, i'm a french musicien here in bucarest for the 6 next month, i play in a band in France which is called "PULSE" & one in spain which is called "Madre Mia" i'm sorry for the moment my roumanian is poor so i prefer no tryin' anything in roumanian ^^. Here i'm developpin' my solo project "KAJI", i'm preparing an album "E-Motion Soundtrack", i wanna lauch this project here with u guys ! I'm singer and guitarist, i'm looking for a bassist and keyboardist, actually i don't play METAL i've read most of the ad here, most of u want to play metal, but its not what i'm gonna do at all in this project ! It's gonna be something more alternative, and i'd classified what i'm doing like Aérorock, a bit like "Angels and airwaves". So what it's all about, most of the song are already recorded, still some voices missing, but gonna go back in studio doing them, so u just have to learn the song. The album, and records have been made for the most part in spain (for instrument) and the sing in Paris in my producer studio. So i can give some sample of what this projet is about to people who are really interestin' !!! And its also important that you guys have your own hardware.


If u wanna join me easely : space1989@hotmail.fr





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Ala din poza pare a fi un Telecaster Thinline '72. Mi se pare ca are si gat in forma de "U", dar poate gresesc.

Misto instrument! Insa despre humbucker-urile pe un Fender hollow-body nu stiu ce sa zic, n-am incercat niciodata combinatia asta totusi.


Despre band, personal nu ma atrage! Am incercat treaba cu bandul de straini impreuna cu un englez si un american si nu tine! Oricat de bine ai stii tu limbile straine si/sau ei romaneste, tot de pe planete diferite zici ca sunteti. Practic n-aveam ce sa discuta impreuna in afara salii si in felul asta nu se poate crea o legatura functionala intr-o formatie. Poate doar una de afaceri, in cazul in care te platesc ca lumea oamenii, ceea ce nu s-a intamplat in cazul meu.


Am vrut doar sa remarc instrumentul din poza, e o chitara pe care am vrut si eu sa mi-o cumpar, intr-o vreme. Si succes!

Edited by Pit
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HUm the translator is not really good but i understood the most part i think, hum ye first yes it is a thinline 72' a really nice tool as you say i would not change ! and i think i can find musicians that will not ask for money to play, we'll make shows and be payed ;) thank u for the answer bye



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