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Garana Jazz 2010 Anyone

Guest costi iorga

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Guest costi iorga

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Garana Jazz 2010

22-25 Iulie 2010

in Poiana Lupului

Garana, Jud Caras - Severin


Iaca-ta si un linc

Edited by costi iorga
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Guest costi iorga

Nie vegem, nie vegem! :)

O sa stau probabil pe langa Dejan si Ovs, la mixerul FOH

Edited by costi iorga
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Guest costi iorga
ma indrept spre mixer si strig RGC, daca ma face cineva nebun asta e, dar macar ne intalnim


Daca vine un bodyguard mare cu o boata in mana, apai ala nu mi-s io! :)

Facem noi cumva, sa punem de-o bere!

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