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Relocator (prog / Fusion Metal)

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Guest Hedonic Patern

Relocator - http://www.myspace.com/relocatorproject


Gen: instrumental progressive fusion metal


Tara de origine: multinationala (3 din Germania, 1 din Olanda + 1 guest USA)




Stefan Artwin - guitars, programming

Michael Pruchnicki - bass, fretless bass

Frank Tinge - drums, percussion

Bartek Strycharski - electric violin

Special guest: Derek Sherinian - all keyboards


Official bio:


Relocator was founded in the summer of 2004 and was originally envisioned as a "full" live band. Never managing to maintain a stable complete lineup for long, four years and several personnel changes later the band self-destructed in late 2008.


But the music lived on. In early 2009 original founding members Stefan Artwin (guitar and programming) and Michael Pruchnicki (bass) decided to revive Relocator as a project to finally finish the songs they had worked on for so long. The result is a multi-national endeavour: Joining them on the first Relocator album are Bartek Strycharski (electric violin), new talent Frank Tinge from the Netherlands (drums) and special guest star Derek Sherinian from the USA (all keyboards).




Relocator (self-titled) – 2010 / Poate fi cumparat direct de la trupa aici: http://www.relocator-project.com/index2.php?m=40


Albumul de debut are 8 piese. Acestea sunt destul de lungi ca durata, dar au o individualitate clar definita, cu teme puternice si usor de memorat.

Improvizatia este la locul ei, in special in zona solo-urilor de chitara, vioara si clapa (Derek Sherinian fiind maestru la acest capitol).

Vioara apare pe 3 piese si prin interventiile sale (tip Jerry Goodman sau Jean Luc Ponty) da o nota si mai mare de originalitate trupei.

Pe album sa gasesc toate elementele consacrate ale stilului fusion / progressive / metal : riffuri complexe si agresive, bass fretless, clape (manuite de catre Derek Sherinian), pattern-uri de tobe interesante, solo-uri inspirate din zona shred / fusion, masuri compuse, ruperi de ritm, abordare modala, etc… .

Per total, un album excelent si cu toate ca este self-released, productia este ireprosabila.

Daca va plac trupe gen Planet X, Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment, Gordian Knot, Cynic, etc…


Albumul este pus la streaming pe pagina lor de myspace :



Si poate fi cumparat direct de la trupa aici: http://www.relocator-project.com/index2.php?m=40






http://www.myspace.com/relocatorproject (tot albumul este pus la streaming)




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