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Green Day

Guest bcv

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GREEN DAY este trupa mea preferata.

In 2009 vor scoate noul album, zvonurile spun ca prin martie, alte zvonuri spun ca si-au terminat treaba prin studio, si ca Locurile lor de parcare din fata studioului nu mai sunt rezervate





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Guest Bogdan(tl)91

Green Day este printre formatiile mele favorite.Si si nu imi pasa ce zic uni ca nu e comercial sau nu tot ce conteaza e sa iti placa ce auzi;)

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Cum sa nu fie punk ? :)


American Idiot e cam Emo.



LE: Nu-ti fa griji, nici Ramones nu sunt punk. :)

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?i la ce i-a ajutat? :)


La asta:


The bands first to albums from Lookout Records (39/Smooth, Kerplunk) have sold over 500,000 copies each. Worldwide, Dookie has sold 12 million (8 million in North America) and Insomniac has sold 8 million (4 million in North America). So far Nimrod has sold close to 2 million copies.


Green Day sold more than 60 million albums in the whole world, including 22 million with the the United States. They also collected many prices, including three Grammy Awards for Dookie , American Idiot and the song Boulevard Off Broken Dreams.




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Sunetul ala de pe American Idiot cu Les paul junioru ala cu P90uri mi s-a parut interesant, ala de strat de dinainte nu era mare lucru, la asta ma refeream. Probabil era mai bine sa spun ca au adus tonul ala in lumea pop, nu ca l-au definit :) Si da, nu sunt punk, la fel cum nici sum 41 nu sunt, sau blink 182. Sunt un fel de pop cu ambalaj punk...ce e si mai dubios e machiaju ala emo pe care il are solistul fara nici un motiv logic (nu ca m-as putea gandi la un astfel de motiv de fapt :)) )

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+1 la ce zice red


si faza cu comercial vs necomercial e crap.. pai sunt atatea formatii de legenda care la vremea lor numai underground nu au fost. Beatles! Elvis!.. supercomerciali dar scoati-i voi din istoria muzicii daca va tine.


deci.. daca muzica e buna ati fi ipocriti sa nu o ascultati doar pt ca e ceva 'comercial'. muzica pop e naspa pt ca e cretina, nu pt ca se vinde :)




btw.. cica madonna a vandut 200 mil+

Edited by gadjo
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"Well, I think we're the greatest rock 'n' roll band in the world." - Joey Ramone


“They definitely changed rock ’n’ roll,” said Legs McNeil, co-author of the definitive punk rock history “Please Kill Me.” “It’s not like they affected one or two bands. They affected every band.”


Rocket to Russia was the band's highest charting album to date, reaching number 49. In Rolling Stone, critic Dave Marsh called it "the best American rock & roll of the year".



Privind spre trecut, in anul de gratie 2009 cineva poate afirma linistit ca Ramones au fost o trupa de punk rock din anii '70. Eu ma opun. La vremea cand au aparut, Ramones au fost o formatie ce "canta" rock'n'roll folosind ritmuri stacatto (foarte rar solo-uri), trei acorduri cantate pe power chords, toate astea la o viteza foarte mare. Tematica cantecelor imi aduce aminte de surf rock, rock'n'roll si pop-ul anilor '50. Ramones nu au fost deloc rebeli: Johnny Ramone a fost Republican conservator ce batea hippies pe vremea cand lucra pe santier, declarand la un moment dat I think punk should be right wing!!!). Look-ul a fost intotdeauna sobru, o combinatie de rock si hippie (imbracati in negru, purtand geci de piele, blue jeans si ochelari de soare, parul lung). :) Ei nu s-au legitimat ca formatie de punk, ci ca un de rock'n'roll. Atitudinea D.I.Y. este specifica mai multor subculturi, insa eu nu vad asa ceva la Ramones. Ei au fost cat se poate de comerciali (Phil Spector, Pepsi).



"I can firmly say that rock 'n' roll will not be the same without Joey Ramone alive," Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong said Tuesday. "The one thing no one will ever be able to [capture] was how cool he was. He was rock 'n' roll coolness. The glasses. The leather jacket. And he barely moved a finger. He just stood there." Armstrong first heard the Ramones at age 9 when he saw their movie "Rock 'n' Roll High School." "To me, what I saw was the perfect rock band," he said. "They had songs that just stuck in your head, just like a hammer they banged right into your brain." Years later, Armstrong named his first son, now 6, Joey. Green Day drummer Tre Cool named his daughter, born a month after Armstrong's son, Ramona. Green Day recently recorded a cover of the Ramones' "Outsider" to use as a B-side.


"There's a real romance to the Ramones," Armstrong said. "Those lyrics. It wasn't just about being a meathead punk-rocker. It was also a great date too. If you think about every person who has been inspired by the Ramones, directly and indirectly, you're talking about half of what you hear on the radio today. A lot of that has to do with the spirit and passion Joey Ramone always, always had. He never was jaded. He was never one of those guys who would go around and say, 'More should have happened to me.'"


Lemmy Kilmister, singer of English metal band Motörhead, met Joey in the late '70s. Motörhead recorded a song called "R.A.M.O.N.E.S." — which the Ramones later covered — and Kilmister appeared onstage at one of the punk band's final shows. "It's a bad day for rock and roll, it's a bad day for me," Lemmy said in a statement. "He was one of the most underrated artists. He understood rock and roll."
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Ramones nu au sustinut ca ei canta punk cand au inceput dintr-un motiv foarte simplu: la momentul respectiv nu exista punk. Ei l-au inventat. Asa cum nici Nirvana sau Pearl Jam n-au inceput sustinand ca ei canta grunge.


In ce priveste simpatiile politice, sunt multe trupe de punk cu simpatii de dreapta care bat direct in nazism. Ia poftim de lectureaza dumneata pagina "punk ideologies" pe Wikipedia. In afara de asta, Johnny Ramone se anula cu Joey Ramone care participa cu drag la tot felul de proteste si evenimente cu tenta de stanga, asa ca nu putem vorbi despre o ideologie politica a intregii trupe, ci doar de preferinte personale care nu ies la suprafata in muzica lor. Si cine naiba a spus ca punk-ul e un curent hippie sau exclusiv stangist?


Despre cum se imbracau si cum e cu imbracamintea hippie mi-e rusine sa ajung sa discut serios.


Si daca eliminam imbracamintea, preferintele politice, si structura melodiilor, probabil ramane foarte putin in afara de deziluzie apropo de muzica elaborata apreciata aproape exclusiv anterior, si o revolta nu neaparat impotriva sistemului, ci a "facultatilor" prin care trebuia sa treci ca sa ai voie sa iesi pe scena dupa ce ulterior ai fost "normalizat" ca sa suni ca tot restul de "virtuozi". Nerabdare, informalism si minimalism. Si senzatia publicului ca spectacolul poate continua daca o sa plece un instrumentist la baie si urca un membru aleatoriu din public pe scena sa il inlocuiasca.


Iti mai recomand si documentarul "Ramones: End of the Century", de unde reiese cum ca fara contactul direct cu Ramones nu ar fi existat doua alte trupe, una tot de rock'n'roll - Sex Pistols, si una de reggae - The Clash.



0. Eu as spune ca punk-ul a inceput cu MC5 si Iggy & the Stooges. :) Ramones au aparut mai tarziu. Inaintea lor au fost si The New York Dolls. Insa cei care au pus puctul pe i si au despartit apele au fost cei de la Sex Pistols. Sex Pistols au aparut (practic) in 1975 iar Ramones au scos primul album in 1976. Unde sunt influentele Ramones? In nici un caz pe Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols sau pe The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle, nu se regasesc nici in look, iar in ideologie nici atat. Si atunci?


1. Imbracamintea are legatura cu status-ul social, hainele transmit un mesaj, moda ilustreaza o ideologie (vezi hippie, punk).


2. Nu inteleg cum se impaca valorile ideologiei de dreapta (conservatorism, nationalism etc.) cu punk-ul????? Daca stii cate ceva despre originile punk-ului, atunci nu trebuie sa-ti explic ca nu din partea dreapta a venit.



Patti Smith, in contrast, suggests in the documentary 25 Years of Punk that the hippies and the punk rockers were linked by a common anti-establishment mentality.



There is no punk. Just post-punk. :)

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cam asa e..... :) Junky

basiclly totul a pornit de la garage rock.....si continua cu trupele de alternative de acum.....

din pt . meu de vedere exista punk si trupe de punk , cum exista si multe trupe goth care se apropie "sound-ul initial" .

Green Day canta pop-punk , (in anii 70 Buzzcocks cantau tot pop-punk de exemplu ) , dar au si multe alte elemente in muzica lor ( rock alternativ din anii '90 de exemplu ) . Acum canta o muzica mai apropiata de rock zic eu.....then again nu i-am urmarit f. atent . Pe Dookie si Insomniac in schimb au piese si idei foarte variate.....


legat de grunge...Grunge-ul a aparut la sf. anilor '80 in jurul orasului Seattle , unde existau trupe cum ar fi Green River , U-men , Mother love bone , Soungarden si multe altele , trupe ce aveau un sound comun (o combinatie de punk si heavy-metal ) . Numele a fost o inventie ulterioara . Ce-i drept multi muzicieni din trupele recunoscute au cantat in multe din primele trupe (la Green River activau muzicieni ce later au format Mudhoney si Pearl Jam ) .


Eh, hai sa vorbim vorbe. Coane, vezi poate e ceva frumos la televizor bre, ca inteleg ca te plictisesti rau de tot :) .



Ramones e considerata prima trupa de punk , pt. ca sustineau concerte din '74 , dar curentul punk-ul a aparut odata cu Sex Pistols .

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Tu poti sa spui ce doresti, ca e o tara libera. Dar Wikipedia si alte surse de incredere ne spun ca Iggy e proto-punk, iar Ramones sunt prima trupa de punk propriu-zis.

Acuma, si eu si tu fiind niste forumisti romani ne-nascuti nici cand erau Iggy si Dee Dee Ramone in floarea creatiei, eu tind sa cred mai degraba ce ma invata la manual si sa ma documentez cat mai bine, ca poate daca casc ochii invat ceva.


Si pentru ca iti plac mult citatele:


"Protopunk is a term used to describe a number of music artists who were important precursors of the punk rock movement of the mid-1970s and later, or who have been cited by early punk musicians as influential.


Acts like The MC5, Iggy and the Stooges, New York Dolls, The Modern Lovers, Captain Beefheart, T.Rex, Patti Smith, The Velvet Underground and Lou Reed are commonly cited as the most noteworthy protopunk artists that would ultimately influence punk musicians."


The Ramones were an American rock band often regarded as the first punk rock group."


In ce priveste influenta Ramones-ilor spre Sex Pistols si The Clash, eu ti-am recomandat un film. Puteai macar sa citesti "pe diagonala" despre ce e vorba in el ca sa vezi ce vreau sa spun daca banuiai ca e o neintelegere. Nu am spus ca Ramones au influentat muzical trupele mentionate. Ma refeream la asta:


"For years Joey and Johnny would tell fans, "We suck. You can play better than us; anybody can play better than us. Start a band." After their legendary July 4th, 1976, Roundhouse concert in England, it seemed like every member ot the audience — which included the guys soon to form The Sex Pistols and The Clash — took them up on it."



Eh, hai sa vorbim vorbe. Coane, vezi poate e ceva frumos la televizor bre, ca inteleg ca te plictisesti rau de tot :).




Legat de film si ultimul citat: Sex Pistols concertau deja in 1975, iar citatul nu stiu de unde l-ai luat si la ce se refera.


On 4 June 1976, at the invitation of Howard Devoto and Pete Shelley (who would soon form the Buzzcocks), the band played their first gig in Manchester. Their performance at the Lesser Free Trade Hall inspired a punk rock boom in the city. Two newly formed London punk rock acts, The Clash and The Damned, made their live debuts opening for the Sex Pistols on 4 July and 6 July, respectively. On 3 September, the Pistols played their first concert outside Britain, at the opening of the Club De Chalet Du Lac in Paris. Their first major tour of Britain soon followed, lasting from mid-September to early December.




In ceea ce priveste The MC5, Iggy and the Stooges, New York Dolls nici nu stiu ce sa zic mai mult. Asculta-i, priveste-i si judeca singur (fara manual). :)

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