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Synthaxe, Ati Mai Vazut Asa Ceva?


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Guest Ronin_JP

Ah... The 80's :)


The Synthaxe was a weird and failed attempt to join a guitar and a synthesizer in 1984. I guess the engineers supposed that as the digital synthesizers were popular in that time the guitarists would like to join the bandwagon.

I guess they underestimated how stuborn the guitarists can be when it comes to guitar sounds.

What was ludicrous in the Synthaxe is that you actually play 2 different sets of strings. The strings that you play with your right hand are independent from the strings you play with your left. Also all the strings have the same gauge (like the Casios that was mentioned here above) and even worse: All the frets are equidistant!!

No wonder it didnt become popular among guitarists.


Of all the guitar MIDI controllers of that period, my favorite was the Yamaha G10

It had 3 pickups: one magnetic that detects string vibration, one ultrasonic that detects the pitch by sending an ultrasound signal down the string and detects the echo produced when the signal hits the guitarist's finger and the third one is optical that detects string bends.

Fatanstic technology that looks like something out of Star Trek. But hey, you wouldn't catch Clapton with one :)

Edited by Ronin_JP
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Cine a mai vazut asa ceva?Sau a cantat pe asa ceva?

Nici macar nu pot sa ii spun ghitara.

Interesanta chestie totusi.

"Asa ceva" a aparut la inceputul anilor 80 si era cea mai "out of this world" chestie, lol. L-am cazut numai in catalog, si ma indoiesc ca multi oameni au vazut unul pe viu, cu atit mai putin sa si aiba/foloseasca, intrucit extrem de putine au fost fabricate/vindute. De ce? Pentru ca avea un M.S.R.P. de (stati jos!) $7000. That's right, shapte mii de parai, si asta in the early 80's. :)

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Titlul thread-ului e cam inselator, ce e in filmulet nu e un synthaxe.


Apropo de ce se poate face cu un asemenea sintetizator (la synthaxe ma refer), va recomand sa ascultati muzica lui Allan Holdsworth.

Cateva albume - "Against the Clock", "Flat Tire", "Atavachron".


Si da, nu prea a prins la public. S-au vandut cam 1000 de bucati, si avand in vedere ca in lume exista doar vreo 2-3 oameni capabili sa repare asa ceva ...

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Guest Ronin_JP
Mie imi place de tipul care o testeaza .. pare special .. la fel ca si chitara cea sintetica. :)


Now this is a mystery.

As Legion mentioned, that thing in the video is not a Synthaxe. It is a Stepp guitar synthesizer.

On the other hand, tipul care o testeaza I think is Bill Aitken, co-inventor of the Synthaxe. :)

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