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Localitate: Iasi
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Vand urmatoarele echipamente:

1. Procesor rack TC Electronic  G Major 2, functionare 10/10, estetic 9.5/10 (se vede in poza coltul unei urechi de rack rupt) - 1000 ron;

2. Doua pedale Boss Acoustic Simulator AC-3, functionare 10/10, estetic 9.8/10 (una are o minuscula zgarietura, una e in cutie) - 400 ron bucata;

3. Pedala delay TC Electronic Flashback Mini, functionare 10/10, estetic 10/10 - 400 ron;

4. Pedala reverb Fender Dual Marine Layers, functionare 10/10, estetic 10/10 (cutie), upgradat cu mufa pentru switching cu releu, 750 ron;

5. Doze active chitara, EMG 81 si EMG 60, scoase de pe o chitara ESP din colectia mea, functionare 10/10, estetic 10/10 - 700 ron;

6. Pedala distortion Joyo Dark Flame, functionare 10/10, estetic 10/10 (cutie), 175 ron.

La cumparaturi multiple se face reducere. Nu sunt interesat de schimburi.


emg 3.png

emg 2.png

emg 1.png

ac-3 2.png



AC-3 1.png

TC 2.png

TC 1.png

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