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Pret: 2500 lei
Localitate: Bucuresti
Contact: PM
Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou
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Vand amplificator Krank Rev50(2 6L6 50watt), 2 canale(clean/drive), in stare ft buna , ca nou, nu l-am folosit doar a stat in studio( are si acum foliile de plastic pe butoane), la pretul de 2500 lei.Are si footswich Daca se vrea si cabinetul Marshall discutam pretul pachetului. Nu sunt interesat de schimburi.



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"The amplifier is made in the United States. It works with two 5881/6l6 power tubes , three preamp tubes 12AX7, one 12AX7 for the loop (which is tube buffered) and one 12AX7 for phase inverter.Power 50 watts.It has two channels with independent eq and a sweep control (something like a parametric eq that accentuates the entire Equalizer on certain frequencies). Schematically it is close to the M. JCM800, but with the addition of half a tube for more gain and no negative feedback , which increases some harmonics.This is the rarest model as it packs the maximum ratio between power and portability."

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