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Posts posted by OutOfCtrl

  1. Salut,


    Pt cine nu stie de RAT, mai jos e o parte din descrierea in engleza...


    This is the ultimate Swiss army knife for the analog guitarist. Consisting of two independent RAT units, each Deucetone channel can be used separately, in stereo, or cascaded together for the most insane distortion on earth.

    As if that weren't enough, each channel is switchable between three RAT settings. Channel A features the Vintage RAT, Turbo RAT, and Dirty RAT, while Channel B gives you the choice of Vintage RAT, Turbo RAT, or Clean RAT tones. The Clean RAT is a clean boost, a tone only available in the Deucetone RAT. That's like having six RAT pedals in one unit. Used separately or cascaded, you have fifteen RAT tones at your feet.




    700 lei negociabil

    (poze in curand)


  2. Salut,

    Este vba despre o pedala Analog Sound, wander wall phase(phase 45). O am de un an, suna f.bine, functioneaza ireprosabil. O dau pt ca vreau alt ton.


    Schimb cu alte pedale doar in anumite conditii, preferabil sa fie din zona, ca sa putem testa fiecare.


    200lei fara transport


    Se poate vedea si testa in Timisoara.

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