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Everything posted by wyky
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vând [EXPIRAT] [EXPIRAT] Maton SRS70C - 12strings
wyky replied to Radu Lazarovici's topic in Chitare electro-acustice
mai este ? -
mai o ai ? mai există? call me Adi or text me at 0742978150
sa vandut ! multumesc rgc !!
Pentru puțin timp 650 euro
Vand Helix cumparat din germania ! Fuctioneaza perfect ! NU accept schimburi !! despre aparat se gasesc detalii pe internet cu miile ! Cu poze revin !
vând Atomic Amp Activ 50 Pentru Fractal sau helix
wyky replied to wyky's topic in Amplificatoare, boxe, difuzoare
da -
Vand chitara Godin A6 Ultra in stare perfecta de fuctionare! Vine cu husa originala !! Cumparat din Germania, cu 999 euro. detalii la producator.Trimit oriunde in tara! A6 ULTRA Natural SG https://www.google.com/search?q=godin+a6+ultra&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqs7nPyordAhXClSwKHeb-BLgQ_AUICSgA&biw=1440&bih=692&dpr=1
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vând Atomic Amp Activ 50 Pentru Fractal sau helix
wyky posted a topic in Amplificatoare, boxe, difuzoare
Atomic Amp Activ 50 ! stare foarte buna. foarte bun pentru Fractal AXE FX 2 sau Helix sau Kemper . Detalii : http://atomicamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Reactor_Series_Manual.pdf https://reverb.com/item/456731-atomic-reactor-fr-tube-powered-full-range-guitar-amp-personal-monitor-50w-active mai multe gasiti pe net. Cumparat din germania !! trimit in tara oriunde !! -
Se poate închide.
Pret: 300 RON Localitate: ORADEA Contact: 0742978150 Link producator: https://www.boss.info/us/products/fv-500h_500l/ Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi VAND PEDALA DE VOLUM BOSS STARE BUNA MODEL FV-500L, PUTIN FOLOSITA,FUCTIONEAZA PERFECT. TRIMIT ORIUNDE IN TARA. PRET 300 RON NEG NU ACCEPT SCHIMBURI. MORE INFO https://www.boss.info/us/products/fv-500h_500l/ https://www.thomann.de/gb/boss_fv500l.htm
Pret: 1300 EURO Localitate: ORADEA Contact: 0742978150 Link producator: http://g66.eu/ro/virtuemart-front-page/fractal-audio/ax8-detail Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi VAND FRACTAL AX 8, CA SI NOU, CUMPARAT DE LA G66 IN IUNIE CU GARANTIE. PRETUL A FOST 1700 EURO, PRETUL MEU 1300 EURO NU ACCEPT SCHIMBURI !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS. TRIMIT PRIN CURIER IN TARA !!! OFER SERIOZITATE MAXIMA MAI MULTE DETALII http://g66.eu/ro/virtuemart-front-page/fractal-audio/ax8-detail http://www.fractalaudio.com/ax8-amp-modeler-multi-effects.php The AX8 is a new all-in-one floor unit featuring the legendary Quantum Amp Modeling made famous in our flagship Axe-Fx II line of preamp/guitar processors. It also features our patented UltraRes™ speaker simulation technology and a stunning collection of Fractal Audio effects, including many of the greatest stompboxes and studio effect processors of all time, plus the tremendous capability to imagine and create totally new sounds. No other all-in-one unit offers the same level of realism, flexibility, and control. A truly musical experience, playing the AX8 unlocks creativity and inspires great performances. The unit is “built like a tank” with a steel chassis and aircraft aluminum end panels, featuring eleven quiet, durable, solid-state footswitches with no mechanical contacts to fail, 27 LEDs in three colors, a brilliant LCD display, six buttons including SHIFT for extra functions, five soft knobs, and eight dedicated LED-indicator knobs for essential amp functions. It has an instrument input, XLR, Humbuster and S/PDIF main outputs, a stereo effects loop (which also doubles as a auxilliary input/output for special applications) and four jacks for external switches or expression pedals. The AX8 is perfect for guitar, bass, and other instruments. Like every Fractal Audio Systems product, the AX8 puts audio performance above all else. It uses extremely high quality converters for a pristine signal path and ultra-low noise. The onboard dual processors run the same high-quality algorithms made famous in the Axe-Fx II. In comparison to other all-in-one units, we emphasize quality over quantity in the AX8. The amp modeling is truly the centerpiece, providing incredible nuance and tone, whether you seek crystal clear cleans, elusive edge-of-breakup tones, rich, cascaded overdriven rock tones, or face-melting high-gain modern distortion. Most importantly, the AX8 continues the Fractal Audio Systems tradition of total quality. Our unique company structure, along with our direct sales model means higher quality at a lower price—and the AX8 is made in the USA. Our intensely dedicated product team doesn’t answer to share-holders and corporate bean-counters, so we don’t cut corners. This, along with our obsession with “being the best” leads to stellar reliability, performance and, most importantly, that “legendary Fractal Audio sound.” AX8-EDIT, a full-featured software editor, is also included free. The AX8 is fully compatible with Fractal-Bot for preset sharing, easy backup and restore, plus firmware updates as new features are added. Features The AX8 contains 512 different presets arranged in 64 numbered banks. Each preset is like an entire rig, with its own amp, speaker cab, and effects. 222 “Quantum” amp models utilize the same technology as our flagship Axe-Fx II. Ultra-Res™ Speaker Cab sims provides a level of accuracy that only Fractal Audio Systems can offer. AX8 is also compatible with our entire library of Cab-Packs. Presets are extremely flexible with the familiar “Layout Grid” from the Axe-Fx II. You can even import blocks created in Axe-Edit. Most blocks offer X/Y switching for twice as many sounds from the same number of blocks. Each preset contains eight scenes. Think of a Scene as a preset within a preset. Scenes eliminate “tap dancing” by turning multiple effects on or off with a single tap, switching X/Y states, and more. Every preset can have its own custom footswitch 1-8 assignments. There are over 16 different useful “Footswitch Blocks” such as “Scene 1/2 Toggle” or “Looper Control Mode”. Footswitches can also be designated as “GLOBAL”, which gives them the same assignment across ALL presets in the AX8. Three assignable Function Footswitches offer over a dozen options so you can create the perfect layout of “modes” for your musical performances. On-board jacks for four external footswitches or expression pedals like the Fractal Audio Systems EV-1 make it easy to remote-control sound functions. MIDI and USB also provide powerful options for control, editing, and more. AX8-Edit, a free software editor, makes it possible to edit presets, effects, and more when connected to a Mac or PC. And much more! AX8 firmware is upgradeable, so the best can always be yet to come...
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Pret: 160 EURO Localitate: ORADEA Contact: 0742479455 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi BOSS GT 8 MERGE BINE ALTE INF PE NET ... TRIMIT ORIUNDE IN TARA
Pret: 650 euro Localitate: ORADEA Contact: 0742479455 Link producator: fender.com Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Fender Stratocaster USA MODEL HSS CU CASE cu mici midificari cheitele cu system menghina, si nut metalic cu bilute. ARATA SI FUCTIONEAZA IMPECABIL . TASTELE ARATA FOARTE BINE.CATEVA LOVITURI PE CORP SE VEDE IN POZE. TRIMIT ORIUNDE PRIN CURIER. NU ACCEPT SCHIMBURI DECAT CU CHITARA ELECTRO CLASICA. ORICE DETALII VA ROG SA MA CONTACTATI 20150223_160509.mp4
se poate inchide
nu mai este rezervat
rezervat pana dupa 15 -20 ianuarie
Pret: 2250 Localitate: Oradea Contact: 0742978150 Link producator: http://www.fractalaudio.com/p-axe-fx-ii-preamp-fx-processor.php Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi FRACTAL AUDIO AXE FX II XL cumparat de nou de la g66 in luna iulie pret 2600 euro. NU ACCEPT SCHIMBURI !!!! Nu deranjati inutil va rog .. TRIMIT IN TOATA TARA PRIN CURIER .... PLIN NETU DE SPECIFICATII SI TUTORIALE. http://www.g66.eu/ro/product-details-layout http://www.g66.eu/ro POZE O SA PUN .. ARATA CA NOU .. DOAR LA URECHEA DE PRINDERE IN RACK O MICA ZGARAITURA DE LA SURUB
controleaza orice, wah, filtre, volum, dar si orice alt parametru ?? poti sa o folosesti si ca pedala de volum?
vând Vand Pedala Volum Si Controler Pedale
wyky replied to Laurentiu Manole's topic in Pedale, efecte și preamplificatoare
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