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Mr. Blues

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Everything posted by Mr. Blues

  1. 50 years old! Japan Made!
  2. Vand chitara acustica all solid Guild GAD F-40 Blonde in stare foarte buna. Seria GAD a fost produsa in China, dar calitatea este foarte buna. Fata este din lemn de molid, spate si laterale dn artar, gat din mahon, tastiera din abanos, cheite Grover, case original Guild. Am cumparat chitara in 2017 de la magazinul Guitar Shop din Bucuresti. Pret: 575 euro
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  3. Din greseala am postat anuntul la sectiunea de amplificatoare. Se poate muta la sectiunea de efecte? Multumesc!
  4. Vand pedala Wah Cry Baby GCB95 model vechi - 300 lei
  5. Vand set doze Fender custom shop fat 50s - 800 lei
  6. Vand doza DiMarzio Air Norton S BK - 350 lei
  7. Buna ziua! Verificati va rog mesageria. Am trimis ieri numar de telefon.
  8. Revine la vanzare.
  9. Se retrage momentan de la vanzare.
  10. Pretul este in EURO. Ca sa fie treaba clara!
  11. Vand chitara Morris W40 produsa in 1975 in Japonia. A fost retastata profi, fretboardul nivelat, slotul de bridge refacut pentru ca cel vechi se largise, bridge din os, montat doza Fishman Sonitone GT2, schimbat cheite. Vine cu caseul original. Prefer predare in Bucuresti. History of Morris The Morris Guitars company has been building quality handcrafted instruments in Nagano, Japan for a long time. Mr. Toshio Moridaira, the founder, was the first distributor in Japan to carry both Fender and Gibson lines. In 1964, due to his working relationship with Gibson, Mr. Moridaira was able to visit the Gibson factory in Kalamazoo, Michigan. An employee at Gibson nicknamed him “Mori” at that time. In 1967, he founded the Morris Guitars company. He named it Morris, taken from the nickname given to him a while back. Morris produced copies of dreadnought and small jumbo models based on Martin and Gibson designs. Since then, Morris Guitars have enjoyed an outstanding reputation in Japan and other countries for making high quality guitars.
  12. Donez chitara Hora functionala. Este corect setata, bridge din os, slotul de la bridge refacut pentru intonatie corecta, cheite schimbate, deci se poate folosi fara probleme. Are niste urme de lovituri pe spate, dar fara probleme structurale. Are un sticker Takamine pe headstock, daca deranjeaza se poate scoate. Este prima chitara pe care mi-am cumparat-o din banii mei cu multi ani in urma si mi-as dori sa ajunga la un tanar chitarist la inceput de drum, care sa o cante cu placere. Prefer ridicare personala in Bucuresti.
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