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Posts posted by DraculVaDomni

  1. hai frate iar incepeti cu genii dastea geniale inca din burta mamei. mare smecherie e virtuos si?


    cand va atinge venerabila varsta de 100 de ani probabil va fi prea bun pentru planeta pamant si va fi rapid expediat in kosmos. sper ca am fost on topic.


    Total de acord cu tine :)

  2. Mezarkabul/Pentagram

    (Pentagram in Turkey) is a Turkish heavy metal/power metal band formed by Murat İlkan (vocals), Hakan Utangaç, Metin Türkcan, Tarkan Gözübüyük, and Cenk Ünnü. Pentagram is known for integrating Anatolian elements into their music.


    Mezarkabul was formed in Istanbul in 1986 by guitarist Hakan Utangaç and drummer Cenk Ünnü. By 1987, bassist Tarkan Gözübüyük had joined and they started doing live shows. Their first songs were released in 1990 on the self-titled Pentagram album. In 1992, a second guitarist Demir Demirkan joined the band, as well as a new lead singer, Bartu Toptas, helping Hakan to concentrate on his guitar duties. Several gigs were played with the new line-up until Bartu decided to move back to Sweden. He left the band in march 1992 just when the band had started to record the "Trail Blazer" album. The voice in the beginning of "Secret missile" belongs to Bartu who left the band during the recordings. Substituting Bartu vocalist Ogün Sanlısoy was added to the line-up. They released their second album Trail Blazer in the same year and enjoyed a rapidly-growing fanbase - both in Turkey and worldwide. In 1993 guitarist Ümit Yılbar was killed by terrorists on the mountain of Cıraf while serving the Turkish Army. They made the tribute song Fly Forever in memory of Ümit Yılbar and the band also dealt with this issue in subsequent songs as "1,000 in the Eastland" and "Anatolia" (both from the album "Anatolia").


    For the next three years, the band toured in their homeland and over the world. In 1995, vocalist Murat İlkan replaced Ogün, and they started working on their next album, Anatolia. Anatolia was released in Turkey in 1997, and several weeks after the release, Century Media approached Pentagram for a worldwide release. The lyrics of Anatolia mainly deal with issues of war, pain and ignorance, often in an unusual way. In "1,000 in the Eastland" it is stressed that "thousands of people are dying in the East, all ignored by the West, where one death becomes a tragedy", at the same time emphasising that "fighting with hatred feeds the rich men".


    They released a live album in 1998 called Popçular Dıºarı (literally "Pop Lovers Out"). Guitarist Demir Demirkan departed, and was temporarily replaced with Onur "Mr. Cat" Pamukçu.


    The band started recording their next album in 2000 in their own studio in Istanbul. Guitarist Metin Türkcan officially joined the band during the recording session. They composed 17 songs, and decided to split it up into two different CDs. In 2001, Unspoken was released worldwide. In 2002, Bir ("One") was exclusively released in Turkey.


    For their releases in Turkey, they use the name Pentagram. However, due to an American doom metal band called Pentagram, they go by the name Mezarkabul (literally "Acceptance To Grave") for international releases.


    They got a new concert DVD album by Sony music called 1987 in 2008 including their 20th anniversary concert in Bostancı Gösteri Merkezi on 4th February 2007.


    Current Lineup


    * Murat İlkan - vocals (1995-present)

    * Hakan Utangaç - guitar (1986-present)

    * Metin Türkcan - guitar (2000-present)

    * Tarkan Gözübüyük - bass (1987-present)

    * Cenk Ünnü - drums (1986-present)


    Former members


    * Ümit Yılbar - guitar (1986-1989)

    * Murat Net - guitar (1989-1990)

    * Bartu Toptas - vocals (1990-1992)

    * Ogün Sanlısoy - vocals (1992-1995)

    * Demir Demirkan - guitar (1992-1998)

    * Onur "Mr. Cat" Pamukçu - guitar (1998-2000)




    * 1990 - Pentagram

    * 1992 - Trail Blazer

    * 1997 - Anatolia

    * 2001 - Unspoken

    * 2002 - Bir

    * 2009 - Untitled Sixth Studio Album


    Live Album


    * 1998 - Popçular Dıºarı

    * 2008 - Pentagram 1987




    * 1991 - Live at the Trail




    * 2008 - Pentagram 1987

    Pentagram - F.T.W.D.A.[For Those Who Died Alone]


  3. mersi ..am intrebat..deoarece am o pivnita la casa...care este ceva de genu cat asta care ai zis tu...poate chiar putin mai mare...si ma gandeam sa depozitez totul acolo si sa izolez cu cartoane de la oua....pivnita e chiar sub viitoarea mea camera :):) ...o sa ma mut la casa cam in 5 luni asa :D




    este buna o pivnita? :P


    Numa buna o pivnita :D, te apuci de ea sa fie cat de cat ok, bagi sculele, si dai bataie, si sa nu uit o CANAPEA,o masa, scaune, chestii de genu sa aveti pe acolo :)

  4. @JeeFo

    Nu stiu ce dimensiuni ar trebui sa aiba o sala de repetiti, sala in care faceam repetitii cu trupa era undeva la 7 m lungime, 6 metri latime, si vreo 2.5m inaltime, si eram 2 chitaristi, 1 bassist [eu :) ], 1 tobar, si o voce, si aveam destul loc sa ne plimbam prin sala in timp ce cantam si chestii de genu, :)

  5. Cel mai indicat acum ar fi sa va ganditi la un mixer cu minim 4-5 canale si niste statii sau boxe care sa aiba ceva mai mult de 100 W. Ecoul ar putea fi o problema, mai bine va gasiti un spatiu ceva mai restrans. :)


    Spor la cantat! :)


    Dupa cum am spus un garaj :) !

  6. as baga si io niste bani in fatucele astea , ca vad ca merge treaba , dar in timp..... :)

    .....in rest la tehnica (cum ati punctat si voi de altfel :) ) se vede si cu ochelari de soare ca stau foarte bine :D .

    Poi daca s-ar apuca acuma de invata, doar au bani, si poate fiecare din ele sa isi plateasca orele de chitara, placa, bla bla bla, si s-ar pune calumea pe treaba, ar iesi ceva ok :). Numa daca vor ele...:P

  7. M-am speriat cand am citit primele commenturi...nu ma asteptam ca pe un forum de muzicieni sa fie commenturi de genu "sunt ok, suna bine, etc" Tipa de la "pupitru" nu face nimic....face scratch direct pe plate, fara nici un disc...cat despre tipele de la chitara...sunt varza...uitati-va si voi la vreun interviu cu ele...abia sunt in stare sa-si deosebeasca fata de fund. Sunt produse de Costi Ionita, si la fel ca toate trupele lui tinere sunt doar o forma fara nici un fel de substanta (un coleg de facultate activa intr-o astfel de trupa deci stiu despre ce e vorba). Am auzit de la cineva din Constanta ca s-a ocupat un baiat din ct de ele (nu vreau sa zic cine ca poate nu e foarte mandru de asta) ca sa le aduca cat de cat la un nivel la care sa poata mima cantatul pe scena, ca sa se sincronizeze vag cu playbackul. Faptul ca au succes in Romania spune multe, dar nimic din ce nu ar trebui sa stim deja...


    Cu alte cuvinte tipele is de forma :), doar vocalu care cica chiar canta si are voce, plus ca aia arata si bine de numa numa.

  8. in cazul asta ma bucur din tot sufletul:) in trupa mea s-au schimbat pana acum o droaie de basisti,toboshari si clapari:(...am ramas mereu eu si vocalul(care mi-e frate)...


    apropo de hala si de ecou(ce a zis mai sus si tudor).nu e bine sa repeti intr-o sala prea mare...mai ales ca nu avetzi scule puternice:(...ori delimitatzi un spatiu mai micutz...ori nush.


    numai bine si succes la cantat


    Intr-un garaj ar fi cel mai ok :). Multe trupe au inceput repetitiile intr-un garaj, i wish i hade one too :)

  9. Morgoth :)

    Was a German death metal band that was formed in 1987 Rüdiger Hennecke and Carsten Otterbach in Meschede. Originally the name Cadaverous Smell was used and the band played grindcore / noise style. When Harry Busse joined the band they renamed themselves to "Minas Morgul". In 1987 the band settled on Morgoth when singer and bass-player Marc Grewe joined the band. The name was derived from the epithet of the original dark lord Melkor in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-earth Legendarium. They recorded the Pits of Utumno demo on four tracks in 1988, which eventually led to the band being signed with Century Media, which had just started.


    In 1989, Morgoth recorded their second demo Resurrection Absurd in a twenty-four-track studio, which was released by Century Media in the same year as an EP. The band then toured Germany in support of Pestilence and Autopsy. The Eternal Fall was recorded shortly after the tour finished, which was quickly followed by a second tour with Demolition Hammer and Obituary. Grewe stopped playing bass and Sebastian Swart joined as the bass player.


    In February 1991, the first actual full-length album was recorded in the Woodhouse studios, titled Cursed. To promote the album the band supported Kreator and Biohazard on a US tour and another European tour with Immolation and Massacre. Most of the band then relocated to Dortmund. Morgoth took a break then and only to return in 1993 with the album Odium. More touring followed, with Tankard, Unleashed and Tiamat. Nevertheless most of the band members started to lose interest in an active music career and ventured in other directions.


    Eventually a third album was recorded, Feel Sorry for the Fanatic, on which they incorporated more and more industrial influences. A tour followed the release of the album, with Die Krupps and Richthofen. The band broke up in 1998.


    Today they are deemed as one of the most influential bands to the German old school death metal scene.




    * Marc Grewe - vocals, bass

    * Harold Busse - guitars

    * Carsten Otterbach - guitars

    * Sebastian Swart - bass

    * Rüdiger Hennecke - drums/keyboards

    * Markus Freiwald - session drummer




    * Pits of Utumno (Demo, 1988)

    * Resurrection Absurd (EP, 1989)

    * The Eternal Fall (EP, 1990)

    * Cursed (1991)

    * Odium (1993)

    * Feel Sorry for the Fanatic (1996)

    * 1987-1997: The Best of Morgoth (Best of/Compilation, 2005)


    Oficial site -> http://www.morgoth.eastpool.com/index.php

    Myspace -> http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...yToken=ad205d5d


    MORGOTH - Under The Surface (OFFICIAL VIDEO) :)

  10. daca nu aveti, puteti sa bagati bassu' si in mixer...merge chiar ok :)


    Si eu tot asa am cantat in fosta trupa, cu bassu prin mixer, ca pe degeaba cantam pe un combo de 160 de W, ca atunci cand intra toba, nu mai auzeam bassu, chiar daca dadeam la maxim combo-ul :), noroc cu un om care ne-a imprumutat niste boxe si o putere [putere de 600 de W,2 sateliti de 600 W, si 2 woofere de vreo 800 W], pacat ca trupa s-a destramat.... :)

  11. Mai aveti nevoie de inca un procesor de chitara, ca vad ca numa unul aveti, sala de repetitii, cum a spus si Baumwolle, amplificare pentru voce, un mixer, si sa nu uitam timp liber, si trebuie sa fiti dedicati, si sa vreti sa cantati de placere, nu pentru bani... :)


    LE : si eventual sa va izolati sala de repetitii cu cofrage de oua, sau burete antifonic.

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