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Everything posted by chester_elven

  1. salut am x-ray china thanks
  2. Pret: 1 Localitate: ploiesti/ Bucuresti Contact: 0727037978 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand urgent urmatoarele: Stativ Boom Pearl de la Masters Series, stare perfecta: 400 ron (achizitionat cu 650 ron). Crash Istanbul Mehmet Holey 16" ca nou, l-am folosit la 2 concerte doar: 450 ron (pret shop 600 ron). Flat Splash cu nituri Istanbul Mehmet Xperience X-FX 9" nou, nu l-am folosit, doar l-am probat sa vad cum suna 250 ron (pret shop 350 ron) Impreuna: 1000 ron! contact: 0727 037 978 Negociabil.
  3. http://www.worldcollectable.com/uploads/2/8/3/5/2835047/3578108_orig.jpg http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan06/articles/korgd3200.htm
  4. Pret: 1700 ron Localitate: Ploiesti/ Bucuresti Contact: 0727 037 978 Link producator: http://www.americanmusical.com/Item--i-KOR-D3200-LIST Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand Korg D3200 Digital Multitrack Recorder, se afla in conditie exceptionala, functioneaza perfect, se poate folosi atat pentru inregistrari cat si pentru live. se poate folosi atat stand alone cat si cu alte softuri (logic pro, cubase etc.) l-am cumparat din germania cu 1150 E de la thomann. Il vand pentru ca folosesc alta aparatura acum. pret: 1700 ron (chilipir) contact: 0727 037 978 http://a2.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/80/42251838e6574705866fbfaa4107482d/l.jpg http://www.worldcollectable.com/uploads/2/8/3/5/2835047/3578108_orig.jpg https://www.zikinf.com/_gfx/matos/dyn/large/korg-d3200.jpg Korg D3200 Digital Multitrack Recorder Specifications Recorder Section Tracks:272 tracks (including 8 virtual tracks per track) 32 tracks simultaneous playback 12 tracks simultaneous recording (16 with S/PDIF and Session Drums) Recording Format: 24-bit/16-bit uncompressed 44.1/48 kHz Number of Songs: 100 songs per drive Locate Points: Four per song Mark Points: 100 per song (marks can be named) Metronome/Drum Patterns: 660 MMC Functions: Transmitted and received CD-R/RW Functions:Internal CD-R/RW Audio CD writing (Track At Once, Disc At Once) Backup/restore Audio file (WAV format) import (ISO 9660) System load USB Functions: USB 2.0 supportedBackup / restore, audio file (WAV format) Import / export (FAT16 / 32) System load Track Editing:Copy (overwrite / insert) Erase Delete Swap Reverse Optimize Expand/compress Fade Normalize Erase punch noise Erase silence Noise reduction Song Editing:Copy Move Delete Rename Protect Save now MIDI Functionality:Mixer control Effect control MMC and MTC transmission and reception MIDI Clock transmission Mixer Section: Internal Processing: 64-bit (maximum 69-bit) Inputs: 44 channels (32 recorder channels, 12 sub-in) Buses: 12 Total2 Eff Send buses 2 AUX buses 2 SOLO buses (stereo) 2 CUE buses (stereo) 2 MASTER buses (stereo) 2 MONITOR buses (stereo) Equalizer:Recorder Channels 1-24: 4-band full parametric EQ Recorder Channels 25-32: 2-band shelving EQ Sub Mixer Channels 1-12: 2-band shelving EQ Master Track: 4-band full parametric EQ Scene Memories: 100 scene per song Effect Section Internal Processing: 56-bit Structure:8 Inserts (maximum) 2 Masters (maximum) 1 Final All usable simultaneously at 44.1 kHz / 48 kHz Programs:128 presets 128 users 32 songs Algorithms: 52 General Display:320 x 240 pixel, four-level grayscale Movable LCD with backlight Power Supply: AC Local Voltage Power Consumption: 47W Dimensions (WxDxH): 21.5 x 14.6 x 4.5 inches (547 x 371 x 115 mm) Weight: 17.2 lbs (7.8 kg)
  5. stativ fus 200 pedala 100 impreuna 250 ron!
  6. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0727037978 Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi cumpar case cinele- pentru ca nu gasesc la mizeriile de magazine in buc un case cu roti > > daca are cineva un case cu roti de vanzare ar fi super! 0727 037 978. cheers.
  7. se roteste, nu am poze, e in stare excelenta!
  8. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0727037978 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi salut, vand urgent: stativ de fus mapex, solid in stare foarte buna 220 ron, pedala simpla iron cobra, uzura normala, 130 ron. impreuna 300 ron. se pot vedea in bucuresti la un studio langa sediul antena 1 din baneasa. 0727 037 978.
  9. Se cauta solista pentru contracte pe craoziera, muzica varoius- party band. contractele sunt platite bine, conditii bune. Sunt asigurate zborurile, masa, cazarea. Varsta minima 21 de ani, cunoasterea unui instrument constituie un avantaj. Super oportunitate pentru a vedea lumea in lung si in lat si a te distra maxim. Preferabil din Bucuresti- Ploiesti(sau pe langa). pentru mai multe detalii: 0727 037 978.
  10. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0727037978 Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi cumpar case cinele 0727037978
  11. Ofer contracte pentru duo, 4 piece si 5 piece band pe croaziera. cazare masa bilete avion asigurate plus salariu bun. mai multe detalii pe privat sau: 0727 037 978, chester_elven@yahoo.com.
  12. Ofer contracte pentru duo, 4 piece si 5 piece band pe croaziera. cazare masa bilete avion asigurate plus salariu bun. mai multe detalii pe privat sau: 0727 037 978, chester_elven@yahoo.com.
  13. 220 ron stativ de fus 300 ron pedala 280 E snare ddrum dios st bubinga 280 E snare Pork Pie! tooms cu sistem de prindere inclus 300 E Let's go!!!
  14. stativul de fus si cel de premier impreuna 400 ron! ) mai bine de atat nu se poate )
  15. noi preturi estivale- stativ hi-hat mapex 250 ron http://static.music123.com/derivates/19/001/267/477/DV020_Jpg_Jumbo_491489.jpg stativ snare yamaha 200 ron. https://www.google.ro/search?q=yamaha+snare+stand&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=g_-7U40awoXiBJGUgYAC&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1279&bih=658#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=lfxSGYazwJCAxM%253A%3BC3Ylb7NCvG8gNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.static.steveweissmusic.com%252Fproducts%252Fimages%252Fuploads%252F1108345_6391_popup.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.steveweissmusic.com%252Fcategory%252Fsnare-drum-stands%3B575%3B575
  16. salut nu stiu, dar e ok, si pret mic pentru ca eu sunt si stangaci, deci nu o folosesc si am nevoie de cash.
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