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Everything posted by chester_elven

  1. Pret: 3500 Localitate: ploiesti Contact: 0732 836 454 Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand Mackie DL 1608+ ipad 3+ router. mixerul este nou, folosit de 2-3 ori in sala de repetitii. http://www.audiosys.ro/mixere-digitale/mackie/dl-1608/ pret 3500 ron. 0732 836 454
  2. au mai ramas: 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 120 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 350 toate 3.
  3. Au mai ramas: snare pork pie big black- 680 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 250 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 140 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 400 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna.
  4. Au mai ramas: snare pork pie big black- 700 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 270 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 160 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 450 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna.
  5. Pret: 10 RON Localitate: ploiesti Contact: 0727037978 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand urgent urmatoarele produse, trebuie sa "scap de ele" urgent. 720 80 250 450 100 snare pork pie big black- 720 huse: husa tom/ cazan/ snare 14"- 60 ron, husa 12" 50 ron husa - 100 impreuna. stativ snare yamaha-80 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 270 ron 3 stative yamaha/ pearl- 160 ron fiecare. toate stativele stative girafa solide (boom stands) - 450 toate 3. 2 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom 65 ron fiecare-100 ron impreuna. toate produsele 1500 RON 0727 037 978. Chester.
  6. s-a dat stativul de fus. snare pork pie big black- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: husa tom/ cazan14"- 100 ron, husa 12" 60 ron husa snare 14"- 60 ron. impreuna 200 ron. stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron scaun tobe- 150 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 80 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. 0727 037 978. Chester. Pentru poze da-ti mesaj sau sunati.
  7. Shell set-ul s-a dat, au ramas urmatoarele produse: snare pork pie big black- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: husa tom/ cazan14"- 100 ron, husa 12" 60 ron husa snare 14"- 60 ron. impreuna 200 ron. stativ fus- tamburo heavy duty. 250 ron stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron scaun tobe- 150 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 80 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. 0727 037 978. Chester.
  8. shell setul e Ddrum Dios ST, high-endul de la Ddrum, din lemn de bubinga.
  9. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: ploiesti Contact: 0727037978 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand urgent urmatoarele la preturi foarte mici. shell set- 3200 ron- hand painted stripe finish, glitter. ( cu tot cu sistem prindere tom si stativ de tom) bass drum 22x20 (virgin bass drum) 10x7 tom, 12x8 tom, 14x14 floor tom. snare pork pie big black 14x6.5- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: toba mare tama capitonata groasa- 180 ron, husa cazan14- 100 ron, husa tom12-80 ron husa snare 14- 80 ron. impreuna 400 ron. stativ fus- tamburo heavy duty. 250 ron stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 70 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. unele produse se mai pot negocia putin. toate sunt de calitate si intretinute foarte bine. Ploiesti. 0727 037 978. Chester.
  10. shell set- 3200 ron- hand painted stripe finish, glitter. ( cu tot cu sistem prindere tom si stativ de tom) bass drum 22x20 (virgin bass drum) 10x7 tom, 12x8 tom, 14x14 floor tom. snare pork pie big black- 850 ron- 900 ron cu husa. huse: toba mare tama capitonata groasa- 180 ron, husa cazan14- 100 ron, husa tom12-80 ron husa snare 14- 80 ron. impreuna 400 ron. stativ fus- tamburo heavy duty. 250 ron stativ snare yamaha-120 ron 5 stative boom-1000 ron. toate stativele sunt boom si heavy duty. stativ tama road pro:300 ron stativ Pearl B-1000 Uni-Lock Tilter Boom Cymbal Stand- 300 ron 2 stative yamaha- 240 ron fiecare 1 stativ pearl- 240 ron 3 cleme pentru atasat brate stative/tom (pearl si tama) 70 ron fiecare- 200 ron impreuna. unele produse se mai pot negocia putin. toate sunt de calitate si intretinute foarte bine. Ploiesti. 0727 037 978. Chester.
  11. salut, am eu un stativ tama roadpro heavy duty: 300 ron https://www.souldrums.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/tama-boomstand-roadpro-1024x1024.jpg
  12. 5000 ron fara snare si stativ snare! 6500 ron tot pachetul!
  13. pana pe 7 iulie 1500 Euro super offer! shell setul fara snare- 3700 ron ( cu tot cu sistem prindere tom si stativ de tom) snare- 1000 ron huse- 400 ron stativ fus- 300 ron stativ snare-150 ron 5 stative boom-1500 ron. prefer totusi sa dau tot pachetul odata la un pret mai mic dar sa dau tot odata. bonus 2 cleme pentru atasat brate boom.
  14. Pana pe 7 iulie pachetul se vinde cu 1600 E dupa care va reveni la 2000 E.
  15. Pret: 2000 E Localitate: Ploiesti/ Bucuresti Contact: 0727 037 978 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand set rar Ddrum Dios ST editie limitata (serial high-end de la Ddrum) din bubinga cu aspen. Un set extraordinar purple/silver/purple glitter- sparkle finish then lacquered. Tobele suna fantastic, sunet, rotund si bine echilibrat. Look si sound SJC, Truth, OCDP. 22x20 bass drum (virgin bass drum, sounds like a cannon). 10x8 rack tom. 12x8 rack tom. 14x13 floor tom. 14x6.5 Pork Pie Big Black Brass Snare Drum with Tube Lugs. Stativ Hi-hat Tamburo. Stativ snare Yamaha. Stativ cu tom holder pentru rack tom. 5 stative boom pentru cinele (pearl, yamaha, tama) high-end series, foarte solide Scaun tobe Husa toba mare, husa floor tom, husa tom 12, husa snare. bonus 2 cleme de prins brate hardware pearl. Ocazie: 2000 Euro negociabil. tel: 0727 037 978
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