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Posts posted by Gifenrich

  1. În anul 1983, National American Space Agency - NASA - a lansat un satelit care a detectat un obiect de marimea planetei Jupiter. Noua planeta a fost numita Planeta X (Nibiru). Planeta face parte dintr-un sistem care are în centru o stea de tip pitica rosie.



    Google it! :)



    Si vorba ca vine spre pamant in data de 2012 21 dec ii un mit sau un adevar spus de catre NASA/USA etc etc

    Am gasit m-ai multe lucruri doar ca nu stiu care is oficiale....


    Planet X disproved

    Harrington died in January 1993, without having found Planet X.[35] That same year, Myles Standish used data from Voyager 2's 1989 flyby of Neptune, which had revised the planet's total mass downward by 0.5%?an amount comparable to the mass of Mars[35]?to recalculate its gravitational effect on Uranus.[36] When Neptune's newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit vanished.[3] Moreover, there are no discrepancies in the trajectories of any space probes such as Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 that can be attributed to the gravitational pull of a large undiscovered object in the outer Solar System.[37] As of 2008, the overwhelming consensus among astronomers is that Planet X, as Lowell defined it, does not exist.


  2. Tu mai exact ce ai vazut de la Doug Marks? Chiar el cantand si aratand exercitii si etc, sau lessonurile lu Batio?

    Iti recomand Michael Angelo Batio - Speed Kills 1 si 2 , si ajungi sa canti fast, clar, cu cap, foarte repede.Pe mine m-a ajutat enorm in formarea tehnicii, si nu prea am insistat pe ele, dar m-au atras enorm.Eventual daca vrei, Ynwgie Malmsteen Play Loud, poti face ce vezi dupa ureche sa iti si antrenezi asa auzul, ca face si slow si fast :) Bafta ! :)



    Da,si eu recomand cu caldura MAB speed kills 2,ma ajutat foarte mult.

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