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Everything posted by Noposition

  1. Pret: 100/buc Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0727253321 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Salutare, Vand 3 bilete la concertul Megadeth de la Arenele Romane, 22 mai. 100 de lei bucata, sau 250 toate 3. Pm, e-mail, sau telefon ptr cei interesati 0727253321 negru_george2005@yahoo.com
  2. URGENT!!! 300 RON!
  3. Up again, hai lume, hai!
  4. Up and away!! Nimeni interesat de un pedalier deosebit??
  5. UP - DOAR AZI 300 RON
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